You aren’t likely to lose a job in the US but may find it harder to land one to – 2 points –
You aren't likely to lose a job in the US but may find it harder to land one

As Arias and other jobseekers can attest, the American labor market, red-hot for the past few years, has cooled. The job market is now in an unusual place: Jobholders are mostly secure, with layoffs low, historically speaking. Yet the pace of hiring has slowed, and landing a job has become harder. On Friday, the government will report on whether hiring slowed sharply again in August after a much-weaker-than-expected July job gain.

“If you have a job and you’re happy with that job and you want to hold onto that job, things are pretty good right now,” said Nick Bunker, economic research director for North America at the Indeed Hiring Lab. “But if you’re out of work or you have a job and you want to switch to a new one, things aren’t as rosy as they were a couple of years ago.’’

Since peaking in March 2022 as the economy accelerated out of the pandemic recession, the number of listed job openings has dropped by more than a third, according to the government’s latest monthly report on openings and hiring.


Well, this fucking blows. This morning I was looking for something to crash into so I would either die or not have to go to work.

I was feeling the same way, so I quit my shitty job. I have since been trying to find new income in a way that won't wreck me mentally. It's been nearly two years and I'm still searching. That probably doesn't help any but know that you're not alone.

Hey buddy hope you're ok today. Are you looking to chat or solution about it, or just venting

Yeah I've noticed that there are far fewer job postings these days than there were a few months ago.

As someone who got laid off in August, fuck.

Tech? It seems like Lemmy is overindexed on people in the tech industry. And that industry is undergoing a seismic correction in workforce population.

Aka poor Managment is scape-goating tech workers

Nah, there are just too many tech workers. We need to produce fewer of them.

Too many were hired irresponsibly, which is not the fault of the worker.

Sorry homie, hope you find something without too much pain

as someone who's getting axed sometime this quarter; i'm not far behind and will you hold my hand?

Whenever it does heat up, it's just obnoxious randos on LinkedIn hard core recruiting me for shitty positions that aren't even what I do.

You don't want to do remote work for someone in Saudi Arabia making greeting cards under a 2 month contract? The interview process only requires you do 20 hours of work unpaid to be considered.