Error message to Programmer – 391 points –


  • Templates were not supposed to make your error messages explode into unrecognizable gibberish
  • "Yes, please generate 5000 pages of garbage instead of an understandable error message!" - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

Look at what compilers have been demanding your respect for all this time:


They have played us for absolute fools.

If you can't understand that error message then I don't know what to tell you.

Where in that wall of text was it?

I don't know. That's what I was saying. I can't possibly imagine what I could say to help someone understand that error message.


The wall of text was the error message.

I just prefer using the parsed outputs from IDEs which also take you to the line of code on click.

This would have been better with Rust and C++

cries into the chest of the borrow checker

Okay, but genuinely in what cases the borrow checker caused issues for you? Cause I use Rust for a few years now and have not yet encountered the infamous fight with the borrow checker.

Also, there's a "new" and "better" borrow checker coming in 2024 edition.

'tis but a joke. I'm still learning Rust, and really appreciate the borrow checker.

I had a linker error in Rust for the first time today and I started crying til I saw someone say to just delete the build cache lol

With Rust it's usually just a fluke that can be fixed by doing that, but C++ linker errors may indicate the start of several frustrating hours. That's been my experience at least.


Since Java 14 it looks like this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException:

Cannot invoke "String.toLowerCase()" because the return value of "com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()" is null

at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(

Formatted, so I can read it

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: 
 Cannot invoke "String.toLowerCase()" because the return value of 
"com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()" is null
 at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(

I haven't written any Java since Java 6. This makes me so happy to hear.

What about XML, and XML based configs? Is the Java ecosystem still obsessed with XML?

I remember I was once trying to learn Hibernate. After finding what I thought looked like the best tutorial, I skimmed through it and there was literally no Java code in the tutorial about a Java library! It was all XML! I never could understand it, but this was early in my career, maybe I could handle it now, maybe not.

Nah, Hibernate, Spring and most major Java frameworks have largely moved away from XML. It's still supported, but these days it's mostly configured in the code directly, with properties loaded from yaml, JSON or the environment (for containers).

The JDK ecosystem is in a pretty good spot nowadays. With Spring boot you can whip up a productions ready back-end very fast, or if you prefer a more hands-on approach there are lighter frameworks/libraries quarkus or micronaut.

The Java language itself has evolved fast and is actually pretty nice now, and if you prefer something more modern akin to TS or swift you can just use Kotlin which is almost 100% interoperable with Java.

Holy shit in so glad it's not just me. All I have ever seen from Java seems to be NullPointerException. (Which makes sense, but still, it's pretty funny)

Java when you don't put in a try catch, vs Template in Cpp