Competition places start at 0 to Programmer – 502 points –

MATLAB: And I took that personally.

Oh it shouldn't, seeing as how it's a scripting language and not actually for programming lol

That's a very narrow view of programming.

In all reality it's fine for what it does, just like every other language. It's another tool in the box that's most useful for a certain set of problems.

Matlab shouldn't, in my opinion, be used to construct a GUI, or generally be used for any sort of production code. Perfectly fine as a research tool though.

But I digress, my overall point is a meaningless semantic joke. The only people who will get bent out of shape about splitting hairs between "scripting" and "programming" are all people who belong in this community.

It doesn't have to be

MATLAB can ruin all sorts of coding experiences, programming included

I startled my dogs laughing at that last bit.

Last time I dealt with Matlab much was like fifteen years ago when I was helping some people using it for quick interpretation of data. We just kept finding bugs that caused calculation errors (which they fixed pretty quickly TBF) and it was so much slower than any other general programming language we tried. It could be way better now, I wouldn't know, I haven't had call to use it since... A circuit simulation class?

Analysts using Julia and Mathematica are confused by this meme.

But what about that one guy who writes absolutely brilliant VB?



Bam, Qbasic AND Visual Basic has 0 based arrays.

Who cares? VB is dead and long forgotten.

Oh, if only that were true.

What? People still use VB? dear god...

Fucking finances and their macro-enabled excel spreadsheets!

They definitely do, especially legacy stuff that's still kicking. Sweet, sweet tech debt that you hope won't be a real problem until you've moved to a different company.

Isn’t zero the same in base-2 as it is in base-10? Wouldn’t first place be 1, second place be 10, and third place 11?

This is about indexes starting at 0, not about binary.

Gotcha. I guess that’s the difference between programmer humor and computer architect humor.