It always gets me to Programmer – 298 points –

*redo, sorry


u for undo. vi forever!

Don't forget that Vim also keeps every tree of undo history. Wrote someone one way, wanted to try another way, and changed your mind? Switch to the other undo future! Change your mind again? Go back!

And there's persistent undo, where your undo history is written a file. Quit Vim, power off your machine for 5 years, power it back on, and you can still undo!

Shouldn't it be used for redo?

I mean, yeah, of course it should be paste. But if you decide to break the established convention, isn't the next option redo, instead of undo?

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"What did that code look like two minutes ago?"

  • Cmd+A
  • Cmd+C

"Oh, ok."


lol, just use time travel, Vim time travel:
:earlier 2m
and back:
:later 2m

Am I the only one who only knew ctrl+y? I've been used to it since forever and never used ctrl+shift+z even tough I am a keyboard shorcut fanboy...

edit: also the logic behind ctrl+shift+z totally makes sense, i'll try it everywhere now lol

Ctrl + Y shall paste, and nothing else!

Ctrl-c copy. Ctrl-v past. Ctrl-x cut

And Ctrl-y is redo.

I prefer ctrl+shift+z for redo. The advantage is you can spam both undo and redo without moving your finger from Ctrl and Z buttons. Very common in professional apps.

Also in art apps, because it's not uncommon to want to undo and redo the same action over and over to see the difference something makes

...except gimp and krita. Seriously get your damn act together youse two

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Similar to how vscode uses Ctrl+shift+arrows for multi line editing but for some reason on my person computer that is hot keyed to flip the screen upside down.