
db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 333 points –

"Not like that! We meant we should debate whether trans people should exist or not! Redistributing wealth is just evil."

"OK FINE! You can own the means of sexual reproduction if you stay the hell away from the means of production, ya pleb!"

The only wealth redistribution they allow is from the poor to the rich. Bonus points if they can:

  1. Increase tax pressure on the poor.

  2. Make it so the poor vote for tax cuts.

  3. Hand out said tax cuts to the rich.

  4. Profit from "donations".

The liberal play book is so dumb and yet so effective.

EDIT: To all those that got offended by the dunk on liberals, consider this: When did your liberal government in practice and in a meaningful capacity increase tax pressure on the rich and allocate the increased funds to the benefit of the poor? Also, if you are not for more equitable redistribution of wealth, what are you even doing in this community?

You're forgetting the vehicle of modern plundering: the Corporation

The corporation is the weapon the capitalist class uses to make liberal democracies into dictatorships of the bourgeoisie.

They don't only exploit human resources but also natural resources and communal resources.

The extraction of surplus value is usually done with no regard for and to the direct detriment of the well-being of the foundation on which value is being created.

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Hear me out, this isnt a flame.

The word liberal has lost some of its historic connotations.

I am a believer in Economic Liberalism, broadly defined as;

Economic liberals tend to oppose government intervention and protectionism in the market economy when it inhibits free trade and competition, but tend to support government intervention where it protects property rights, opens new markets or funds market growth, and resolves market failures.[2]


Genuine question: Which party do I vote for?

As I see it, none of them are championing economic liberalism.

Note: before someone replies with: what about climate change, inequality etc. These are market failures that Economic liberals believe should be fixed by government.

As I see it, liberal economics is politically dead.

Do you think the government should enforce some limits on wealth accumulation? Genuine question, because this doesn't appear on neither the pro nor con lists in that definition and I'd like to hear a take of a self described economic liberal on this

I don't think total accumulation of wealth would be a problem in itself IF it was taxed properly.

If I was in charge I'd do the following:

  1. Simplify the tax code and remove exemptions.
  2. Set a threshold for inheritance tax, say $5m, and tax anything above that at close to 100%.
  3. Setup a department to review and adapt to tax avoidance strategies I.e. billionaires taking out loans to avoid paying themselves in dividends, which would have been taxed.
  4. Make the tax code progressive e.g. you pay more tax the more you earn. Set this up for capital, income, pension etc. Tax it all at the same level.

I think this provides enough of an incentive to work hard but removes the inter generational plutocracy issues.

Equality of opportunity and all that.

P.S. In my opinion, the accountancy profession should not need to exist. Rules should be simple enough for an average person to follow.

Markets can only fail so long before the ideology that requires them to be bailed out dies with them.