And they call me a radical, rule to – 591 points –

This is from the channel Some More News for those curious of the source.
I always like watching their videos; I would share them with my friends and family more often, but I feel some of their skits would put some of them off. Otherwise I really like what they do and recommend people check them out.

What would they find off-putting about the coked up puppet pumping gallons of corned cream (just out of frame) into an apartment and making squelching noises while talking about it rotting?

Totally normal content. And they put it out as a podcast too, and it makes even better audio-only content.

I like how he looks older in this than he does on the most recent episode of Some More News where he had COVID.

Less tired though.

Some more news is a good channel if you can survive the corny part of it. They gotta do something to break up the horrible news they report on.

Saying develop empathy isn’t enough, there are a lot of ways someone can twist things around to say why it’s not good to be empathetic. It’s better to appeal to rational thinking and defeat self centered thinking by logically demonstrating that it’s suboptimal. You don’t even need anything super intellectual, just the Ten Commandments type stuff but within a humanist context as opposed to a God will punish you context. At least that what I think, but i could be wrong 🤷‍♀️