Rule to – 418 points –

Look son, you don't gotta be a master of English to be able to be part of a labor union.

I know Ogres struggle to get work outside of factories, but that doesn't mean the labor you do is low-value or unskilled.

Ogres together strong.

Most tragically of all, Ogre doesn't know that this matches, or even eclipses, Joyce's own understanding.

Ogre should have started with a book with much simpler themes and aimed at children... like Atlas Shrugged.

I mean, he's doing alright by my standards. I gave it a solid try but couldn't keep myself awake through it no matter how I tried. Beautiful prose - pick a single random page out of that book and you can get a message in it's own microcosm. Trying to synthesize it all made my head want to explode and my brain chose sleep instead of computation.

Finnegan's wake is a far easier read. Pick a random page anywhere and it makes no fucking sense at all.

On the bright side Ogre not have $40k in student debt to be a bartender.