this better one damn good game rule to – 100 points –

It's one of the best games of the last decade. You'll lose 150 hours to it easily. Don't be discouraged by the difficulty, Souls games can be hard to get into at first. Once you understand it, it gets easier.

There's only a dozen or so mandatory bosses, the rest are optional. So if you decide you just want to wrap it up and finish you can, long before you explore everything.

Difficulty is something that definitely discourage me and many people from playing any game. I rather have the sensation of the game getting easier being tied to the characters leveling up than to my horrible dexterity and hand eye coordination.

To each their own. Myself, and many people, grow tired and bored of a power fantasy any time you play a game with 0 skill involved.

For me a game is mainly a story medium with a big focus on interactivity and world building. Playing a game you become part of that world. A character in the story.

Narrative driven games use the challenge to simulate the characters struggle so advancing the story feels rewarding. Soul games needing you to reply the same boss for several hours to beat it doesn't make narrative driven games less of a challenge because they don't cater to the same public: one is casual and the other extreme and they don't spend nearly as much the same amount of time playing games.

Narrative driven games want to mainly tell a story and it's ending is the main reward, soul games want you to suffer through each battle and beating them is the main reward.

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At the beginning of the game i can't really tell what parts are supposed to be hard but fair at my current level and what parts are purposefully hard as to tell me to "come back later when you're stronger" so to speak

If you're not getting one shot very often and able to overcome challenges with ingenuity and grit, I'd say you're doing it right.

Once you start running into enemies/bosses that one shot you, that's when you may want to consider going and farming and leveling up your Vigor until you can take a hit or two. Other than that just keep dumping points into skills you need for the weapon you want to use.

Don't worry about screwing up your talent points, you can unlock respect pretty early in the game (second great rune holding boss).

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“this better one damn good game rule” - what are you trying to say?

this better be one damn good game

Yeah, I don't think it's a complex statement to understand.

What is the “rule” at the end of the sentence for? The best interpretation I have is: “The ‘this better be one damn good game’ rule”, i.e. this better be a damn good game, given its hype and how much it cost.

cause rule has to be in the title so they just swapped game for rule

I spent a lot of money on it so I hope it's good

We'll get ftth some day. Never stop believing.

Also, nice taste in games. I'm still on the fence about Elden Ring though, since I know damn well how easily I'm frustrated. But even just exploring the world seems to be cool

I've got fibre broadband, it's awesome. Gigabit down, 400 up, and that's not even the fastest plan. 😎

I am so incredibly jealous, you have no idea

I only recently got fibre installed I was on VDSL before that. It's a huge step up, and it's also reliable, I don't think we've ever had an outage.

Fiber is also lighting resistant. Every time a storm comes up, I unplug the damn router because I have to fear it being fried

After breaking two controllers beating this I’d be afraid to play on a steam deck

Two hours isn't that bad, took a friend of mine nearly 2 days to download Genshin onto their new laptop

It's not about the time to download, but the price of the game.

I bought Call of Duty 4 on Steam in 2008 and downloaded it on my neighbor's unsecured wifi network, which was the only internet I had at the time. It took almost a week.

this is one good damn console too, i could kilk for a stean deck, but it don't sell here ;-;

The two below it are way better, if you must know.