Rule of sharing wisdom in comments to – 442 points –

There are enough bones in the human body to build an entire skeleton.

I don’t know if this is a real thing or just a joke someone said but I heard this story.

“I was at a U2 concert and Bono was talking about raising money for AIDS in Africa. He started clapping his hands slowly and said, ‘Every time I clap my hands someone in Africa dies of AIDS,’ Then someone in the crowd shouted, ‘Then stop clapping your hands, asshole!’”

I love that story and I hope it’s true.

If you removed all of your blood vessels and connected them end to end in a single line, you would die.

Studies show that 100% of mothers have at least 1 child.

"Don't be mean; we don't have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are."

-Buckaroo Banzai

Scientists have proven that fertility is hereditary. If your parents didn't have any kids there is a high chance you won't have kids either.

What if a kid is adopted? Does that count?

That's why it's a high chance, but not a definite rule.

Did you just loophole my loophole?

idk what that is, but I'm not looking it up on urban dictionary

I don't know if that's a thing you'd find on urban dictionary, but if it is, I'd guess it's something naughty

Death being top killer is fuckin' terrifying when you think about it. It's traditionally seen as the action, not the cause.

For every ten people watching tv, five are half of them.

Every video game news sites after a new release