Anger in Sweden as Nobel Prize organizers invite Russia and Belarus to the award ceremonies. to World – 438 points –
Anger in Sweden as Nobel Prize organizers invite Russia and Belarus to the award ceremonies

Several Swedish lawmakers said Friday they will boycott this year's Nobel Prize ceremonies after the private foundation that administers the prestigious awards changed its policy and invited Russia, Belarus and Iran who had previously been barred from attending.


WTF is wrong with them?

I suspect there must have been some kind of coup in the Nobel leadership. They also invited Swedens far right party leader despite Banning him for over a decade. That on its own hands the far right in Sweden such an optical win that I can only assume it is malicious. As a Swede I am so fucking disappointed in them.

Edit: coup, not cue. I don't write words good.

Assuming you meant "coup" and not "cue." Otherwise, I wouldn't be at all surprised. Several of the people involved in the Nobel committee seem pretty right-wing.

So more batshit-rightwingers-take-over-things-and-break-them?


Dude, it's your second language. You write better than a lot of native speakers. Don't beat yourself up over it.

They declined though and said that no one should attend

I'm sorry to break this to you guys, but the Nobel peace prize looooves war criminals. They gave one to Henry Kissinger ffs.

That said this does change my view of the NPP, I always thought they were sycophantic poll chasers who only gave awards to people with good enough PR to hide what monsters they are. Somehow they've now aligned themselves with moustache-twirling evil instead of the nonchalant kind.

The peace prize is awarded by Norway, not Sweden

One of the prizes is for peace... Everyone should be allowed in the interest of peace. Even if the invitees haven't been very peaceful.

Everyone should be allowed.. except countries currently actively invading one. Or currently enaged in warfare in general.

Or currently enaged in warfare in general.

USA will never be invited again. Which is fair.

I think it's fine to invite them so long as they don't get any awards. Keeping an open dialogue is important in any conflict

Keeping an open dialogue is important. I can't help but feel that there are other ways of doing that.

I think I like this take the best. Glad you said this and that I saw it.

Eeehh the recipients haven't been very peaceful, really, and the novel peace Prize is a joke if you ask me.

Obama got one whilst his drones were bombing civilians.

Mother Theresa got one whilst being known to be a monster

Didn't henry kissit get one too?

Obama winning the Nobel Prize diminished to the level of a Pulitzer, an award named after the father of yellow journalism whose falsehoods started a war.

The NPP is awarded in Norway, not Sweden. Considering that the prize has been awarded to various Russian dissidents and Belarussian/Russian oppositional groups the past few years - and that Russia declared the 2021 winner a foreign agent, I'd say it's safe to assume no one from the their official governments will attend anytime soon.

Yea, everyone should be invited. It's not just for the peace prize, but even then..

Idk what's wrong with people.

I doubt they invited 130M people + few millions more. Who was invited?

Pay attention, these are the countries, the corporations, and the people who worked with the Nazis while they were incinerating Jews, you know .... to try to get them on side. Cowards, and villains, all.

Just to be clear, Sweden harbored Jews during WWII and is the main reason why occupied Denmark had a much lower rate of killed than other occupied countries.

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