
User to World – 41 points –



Using "purge" unironically in reference to human beings is a serious red flag for identifying fascist pieces of shit.

Blue lives matter, unless they're inconvenient, making me follow the law, or I can score some cheap points ranting about how terrible they are.

Republicans really hate America

We love the blue! Support our troops! National security! No, not like that…

The continued existence of the seditious Republican Party is a threat to national security.

He's not going to win anyways. Even if he gets the nomination, Trump already has the party hostage. He will claim fraud in the primaries, then run third party. Frankly this is the best timeline.

If Kamala Harris has to assume the role of president, Donald Trump will almost certainly win in 2024. Stay alive, Joe. Just keep drawing breath until February 2025, and then you can expire whenever you please.