Switch 2 leaks claim console runs “like a PS5”, FF7R to be launch title & more - Dexerto

NewNewAccount@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – -9 points –
Switch 2 leaks claim console runs “like a PS5”, FF7R to be launch title & more - Dexerto

No, the rumor claims FF7R looks closer to the PS5 version, not that Switch 2 is like a PS5.

Thanks, I hate articles that spread misinformation

Close enough is fine with me, especially on a smaller screen. Imagine if it was like what we have with the Xbox Series S. It can play all the latest games just scaled down a little graphics wise, but not enough that most people would even notice the difference.

Remember when rumors said the Nintendo NX will do 4K? I remember.

Also it'll never match PS5 performance, it's literally a tablet.

What is the chip in this thing? The Tegra was already old and underpowered when the Switch was in design stages.

New chip is a new Tegra by Nvidia, if rumors from 2 years ago are true. About 10X the old Tegra chip. So no, not PS 5 level, but decent.

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If it's at least as powerful as the steam deck, then this tracks tbh

Gotta admit, if they pull something like that off and FF7R runs that smoothly on it, chances are high I’m going to get one if the weight isn’t too hefty. If it’s less than what a Steam Deck weighs (a Steam Deck is slightly too heavy for my weak fingers to manage), I’m sold.

Only thing I care about is that they keep the split controller design. It's the only controller I can easily use while walking on a treadmill. Holding a controller with two hands while walking is awkward. The split controller allows me to swing my arms normally.