Berlin Wall relic gets a 'second life' on US-Mexico border as Biden adds barriers to – 427 points –
Berlin Wall relic gets a 'second life' on US-Mexico border as Biden adds barriers

As the U.S. government built its latest stretch of border wall, Mexico made a statement of its own by laying remains of the Berlin Wall a few steps away.

The 3-ton pockmarked, gray concrete slab sits between a bullring, a lighthouse and the border wall, which extends into the Pacific Ocean.

May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges,” reads the inscription below the towering Cold War relic, attributed to Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and titled, “A World Without Walls.”


It's so annoying to hear certain folks acting like all the problems in America come from this Thunderdome type situation at the boarder with Mexico. And never do they have any recommendation that doesn't involve hurting people or invading Mexico out other ridiculous things. Just the other day I heard someone talking about all the Chinese people coming across the Mexico boarder and how they were actually spies for China. Fifteen years ago they were Muslims and terrorists.

I think part of it is a psychological safety strategy for people that don't have the strength to look at their own issues. For them, it's a lot safer to blame others than accepting any responsibility.

Whenever you cross the border to Mexico, the sky turns yellow, didn't you know that? It's widely known, we all see it on TV all the time!

Why is Biden still building the fucking border wall? It's absolutely disgraceful.

From the same article:

President Joe Biden issued an executive order his first day in office to halt wall construction, ending a signature effort by his predecessor, Donald Trump. But his administration has moved ahead with small, already-contracted projects, including replacing a two-layered wall in San Diego standing 18 feet (5.5 meters) high with one rising 30 feet (9.1 meters) and stretching 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) to the ocean.

So the federal government is just honoring contracts it already signed and agreed to. I see no problem there so long as he doesn’t do any more additions beyond what was contracted already.

I almost wonder if the contracts were awarded late in the last term with the expectation that the new admin would cancel them and have to pay huge contract termination fees. Thus earning these firms large amounts of pure profit (no labor and no materials).

Instead the Fed seem to be saying "OK, you say you can build a 30 ft wall 1km into the ocean? Let's see."

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Politicians think countries only hold people. Those that are a bit smarter understand that there are wild animals living within political boarders. A population that’s a bit smarter knows that these animals move and migrate around and across the previously mentioned political boarders. So, can at least some of us agree that border walls fuck up migratory patterns and are bad for nature?

At least a quarter of the nation hates people with a different skin color, what makes you think they give a single shit about animal migrations

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Good point, nicely done, and nobody in the US will care. The politicians in charge know this point already, that IS the point. They don't give a shit about the wall, they want to rile their racist base so that they vote for them

Difference is that the one divided a country in two the other is dividing two different countries.

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The cartel owned local government there doesn't like walls cutting into their human trafficking profits.