Nintendo demoed Switch 2 to developers at Gamescom to – 182 points –
Nintendo demoed Switch 2 to developers at Gamescom

It's real. After all those years.


Please backwards compatible, please OLED, please enough power to 720p60fps everything natively (no upscaling, cause that sucks on such low res, Idm 4k upscaling).

1080p60fps on portable would be a dream but I‘m not that delusional.

I‘d also be hyped if they could offer joycons that make it usable for extended amounts of time in portable without destroying my hands or having to rely on third party cases.

Can we add a cheaper non-portable option to the wishlist? I don't like paying for a screen or battery or junky mobile controllers that I will never use.

This is exactly where I’m at. I don’t think my switch has left the dock on purpose since I bought it, what a waste of resources.

I just use Yuzu rather than my switch. Can't beat 4k60fps+

No judgement from me, but I do try to pay folks for their stuff if I can afford it and it’s available in the market

? I buy all my games and rip them using my launch Switch. I then enjoy playing them in 4k60fps instead of using the dock, with the saves synced via wifi so I can go back to handheld after.

Emulation does NOT = piracy for fucks sake.

Out of curiosity, how do you do the save syncing? I've already got Yuzu itself all setup, but this would certainly help with some issues that I face when using it.

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You mean the Switch U? Super Switch? Switch Advance?

I'm hoping for Switch Advance. I'd love a throwback logo and that old "Bling!" startup sound.

Boi if it has that bling and a transparent frosty blue option it's over, I'm buying it day one. I miss my Gameboy advanced so much, or maybe I miss being a kid, who knows.

After the Wii U fiasco I'd be shocked if they called it anything other than Switch 2.

Switch 64, duh. :V

Some emoji fan already said "Nintendo Switchty-Four," so I'm afraid you've been outdone before you even commented.

My only wish for this console, is that it doesn't launch with an SoC, that's already a year outdated, by the time the thing is announced

Literally impossible since SoC vendors literally can't deliver working pre-production chips for development work

I mean, they say they do, but they really don't

Nintendo is going to want a console they can keep standardized for a while without hitting hardware limits early. It’s one of the only major flaws of the Switch, and while it’s not entirely their fault, they know the type of direction devs want to move in. IMHO they will have listened in this regard.

I don’t expect it will run “on par with PS5” as some rumors have suggested, though.

The PS5 is the size of a small boat. The only way Nintendo can release a portable console that matches it would be if it came in a wheelbarrow.

But the ps5 plays games in 4k .if i remember correctly 4k requires 16x compute power compared to 1080p ( on the gpu side ). So with dlss from 720p to 1080p it might be possible to match 4k ps5 . Alghtough it might be immposible with the games bound by cpu , unlike the ps4/xbox one generation the consoles this time dont have a completly dogshit CPU from the get go.

Anyone remember the Compaq Portable?

It weighed almost 30 lbs.

Yeah I agree, the Switch family in general are mostly meant to play official games like Zelda, DK and Mario whose older incarnations were also designed for other small consoles that ran on battery power, and not-so-demanding third-party games that can be played without connection to power like Minecraft BE. They’re like a modern DS with a bigger screen that you can connect to a TV and play with detachable controllers, and never pretended to be anything more.

That would be nice, but it's Nintendo so it probably will be old by the time it comes out.

Cool! Despite its age, I'm still loving the Switch. Best all around library of consistently good games, at least single/local multiplayer.