Parents of Casual Conversation, what is your last funny story with your kids? to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 32 points –

Basically title. I don't have children (yet), but I always like hearing parents stories


My two year old, currently potty training, was sitting on my lap as I put her pajamas on. The conversation went as follows:

Baby girl, "I no poop on daddy."

Me, "thank you sweety and daddy doesn't poop on you. It's a deal."

Baby girl, " it a deal." hugs

My 10 year old can be quite volatile and prone to meltdowns. So I've taken to rick-rolling him whenever possible in these situations. Weirdly, it's a pretty good way of defusing a charged situation.

The line "you know the rules, and so do it" is especially good because I can build it into a counterpoint about his behavior that led to the argument. It took him a while for him to realize what I was doing, but now he knows and it's become kind of an inside joke.

So not only does it usually help calm things down, but I get to troll him.

I’m currently pregnant and basically bedridden because I’m so sick and severely hurt my back sneezing a couple weeks ago. My 4yo comes up to me and says “Mommy, I just want to cut that baby out so you can feel better! Baby! Stop making my mommy sick!” Super cute, but also kinda wtf lmao.

Omg I'm sorry to hear that. How far along are you, may I ask? I'm 6w+3 with our first, and hoping for that sweet sweet reprieve I hear is waiting at the second trimester haha. I've been so crampy and uncomfortable for the past several days that's it's been hard for me to even want to walk around much. Not to mention the weird smells, nausea, exhaustion, and lack of motivation that is definitely playing with my already bad executive dysfunction.

Hoping you get some comfort and ease soon <3

I’m 12+4. The first trimester has been horrendous for me this pregnancy. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until the second trimester for my other pregnancies. Good lick! I hope the 2nd and 3rd are easier for you!

Word of advice: Don’t listen to anyone’s advice about raising your kid lol. Everyone will tell you different things and most of it will be contradictory to the last thing someone said.

Thank you!! Yeah, it has been overwhelming as I've been deep-diving parenting blogs, trying to get prepared. There's so much advice out there that it's got me like this: 👁️👄👁️

I reckon we'll just do it live and try to be as loving and respectful of the person they turn out to be as we can. Thank you for taking the time to chat with me

That’s really all you can do. There’s no one answer to raising a child because no child is the same. And tbh I stayed away from the parenting blogs because they always made me feel less than even before I gave birth. You’re not going to get everything right on the first try.

My daughter sleep walks often and the last time she thought the bathroom was under the dining table. It took some convincing and she kept trying to climb under it...

Not exactly a conversation but my daughter really struggled to say 'bath bomb' the other day. It came out as 'bath bum', which is something much different.

I'm trying to think of one but now they are teenagers it's just been things like police visits because of defamatory tiktoks...

My 3 yo is experimenting with silly ways to say goodnight. Last night she gave me kisses on my cheek, but it was more of a "nom nom nom" as she opened and closed her mouth.

Once she was done laughing at her own joke she said we had to rub noses together as our "real" goodnight kiss.