Missing Michigan toddler found in the woods asleep on family dog

Bloodyashes@lemm.ee to News@lemmy.world – 308 points –
Missing toddler found sleeping in woods using her dog as a pillow after walking 3 miles barefoot | CNN

When I was a toddler I followed my dog into the woods. I don't have any memory of it but my parents said I was gone for hours and then suddenly we both just came walking out, perfectly fine. Thanks, Andy, for protecting me that day.

Again? That's twice in a week!

What keeps compelling toddlers from Michigan to run off into the woods with their family's dogs?

If you were stuck in Michigan and didn’t have a phone to scroll lemmy, you’d go explore the woods with your gigantic battle dog, wouldn’t you?

Dogs are truly remarkable animals.

Tell that to the german shepherd that chased me on my bike this morning and couldn't wait to sink its teeth into my calf lol

I also don't think human should pet animals and keep them in there homes, history has told us how many virus and disease human had caught due to domestication of animal, dogs are loyal but they are always ready to attack strangers who come near their owner/family. Cats are major problem for nature they are unbalancing the biodiversity, they are hunter/predators after all!, even Australia is going to ban pet cats from going outdoor source, from npr. Due to domestication of cattle we got cow pox and now cow are exploited for their milk and meat by big cooperation which is not good at all and that why i became vegan, covid 19 also came from animal. Sheep are exploited for their wool they are kept in thousand in small places. Watch this video. Birds are kept trapped in a cage for decorating owns home, they should be kept free, they like to fly.

Reminds me of the guy who’s having a heart attack on a plane, so the flight staff gets on the intercom to ask if anyone is a doctor.

One person stands up the announce that they are a vegan.

Brooke Chase, Thea’s mother, said she had an instinct to check on her daughter who had been playing in the yard, and learned the toddler’s uncle told Thea to go inside because she had no shoes on.

When Chase and her brother-in-law realized Thea wasn’t in the house, she said she began to yell. They searched for about 20 minutes before calling Chase’s husband and police.

I’m curious what her mother and uncle were doing while her dad is away and she was playing alone in the yard. Where I live, kids that age have been attacked by coyotes, even when supervised, and that’s in a suburb of a major city, not rural Michigan.

I don't think she was playing alone in the yard. The uncle was there and told her to go inside and she ignored him. As for coyotes, with a rottie and springer in the yard, no coyote would be an issue.

However, if you tell the kid to go inside by their mom, tell the mom that you did so. Uncle was a dumb shit. You can't count on a three year old to do as they're told.

Springers are mad as a box of frogs but usually quite intelligent. Rotties tend to be very protective, loyal dogs, so I'm not surprised the toddler was found with them. Good boys!