Here's the lineup for the second GOP presidential debate

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 21 points –
Here's the lineup for the second GOP presidential debate

TL;DW: Desantis, Christie, Pence, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott, Burgum

So a bunch of people who are not Trump? Is there a point?

Sure there is.

  • campaigning for vice president
  • campaigning for 2028
  • Trump, who is an objectively old man, may die before the election
  • however unlikely, Trump somehow loses support, perhaps by being sent to jail. He’ll always have his loyal core, but moderate republicans and independents may abandon him
  • Republicans can test different policies and message

You forgot priming the pump for a book deal

"I Ran for President and was on TV for Fifteen Minutes so Here is My Life Story and All My Personal Philosophies Please Give Me Money" by Dave "daddy holds local office" Johnson

Right, tons of opportunity for personal gain and opportunism. Vivek was a nobody, but now has the status of a conservative celebrity. Some may also be campaigning for another office, or for another term, as senator or governor. I’m pretty sure presidential campaign money can be diverted to another campaign.

Bold of you to assume if Trump wins there is a 2028 election and that he wouldnt run if he is alive still

This is really embarrassing for them. Trump completely took the republican hate machine from them 8 years ago and they still haven't come to terms with it. There is only the trump cult now.

These debates are an attempt to suck up enough to be his running-mate. Get the VP slot and make sure he keeps eating many hamberders every day.

It's wild that they are treating him as the incumbent, but what else can they do? He would for sure run as an independent if he doesn't make the nomination.

Basically a handful of elitist losers who won’t even get a shot.

Not surprised Trump is not there. The DeSantis vs Newsom debate will be interesting.