‘Dead’ Russian Admiral Shoved in Front of the Cameras to Prove He Survived Missile Blast

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 134 points –
‘Dead’ Russian Admiral Shoved in Front of the Cameras to Prove He Survived Missile Blast

Russian authorities have been known to doctor video evidence to show dead, injured, or out-of-favor commanders still going about their business. Equally, however, Ukrainian commanders have previously announced the deaths of Russian military leaders who have turned out to be still alive.

I am totally good with UA doing that, because it serves to sow confusion and force Russia to expend efforts sorting out it or covering it up.

The favourite disinformation strategy of Russia used against themselves.

Have to balance that against loss of trust in what they say. This was so blatant that I'd put very little weight in any major claims going forward.

Now, I must tell you kids, Admiral Sokolov has laryngitis and a bad back, so he won't be saying anything or doing anything.

He’s got laryngitis? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Russian ministry of defense: "the Kyiv regime throws untrained soldiers to their slaughter in senseless assaults"


Russia replies with "no, you!" statement.

"Weekend at Viktor's" sounds like a cheap knock off. 0/10 wouldn't watch.

As long as it's actually at Victor's house, and not his neighbor's house where he had no fucking business going.

Dead or not who cares? HQ is destroyed, they ain't coming back from that for awhile

And I though Peter Cushing’s appearance in Rogue One was a bit uncanny valley…