More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 67 points –
More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

If that’s the case, wouldn’t they have made it interesting?

"basically we made a coloring book. It's bland, boring, but some talented artists will add onto the poorly fleshed out systems later and keep it alive for five years. We love our modding community."

Watching Bethesda scrape together this new IP and it just being.. Average.. Is disheartening. I hope they're just channeling their good ideas in ES6 but I'm losing faith.

We can just wait for the mod that recreates Skyrim in Starfield.

Land on a planet, you step off the ship, and you suddenly get captured. Hard cut to black.

Slow fade in... "you're finally awake"

"Walked right into that UC ambush, same as us and that thief over there."

"That's Solomon Freestar! The true High King of Skyrim!"

And the dragons are just space ships and the souls you absorb are just... uh... radiation I guess from damaging the reactor. Or the magic space civilization from Starfield originated from here, so that's why everyone has magic.

I'm not backing down from the space ship dragons though, that part is just brilliant.

"Spaceships are dragons" Buddy we all know you're just trying to make an excuse for your vore mod.

"No, no, you need a warm and soft fleshy interior which you have to enter through the mouth, how else would you have dragon spaceships"

We all know how this goes

It's just a coincidence the airlock happen to be teeth shaped. A teeth pattern ensures none of the air escapes.

Years of loading screens

I was actually pretty impressed with the loading, especially after coming from bg3. It was pretty much instant for me.

For me it's not the speed, but the quantity. Docking? Loading screen. Launching off planet? Loading screen. Changing planet? Loading screen. Landing on the same planet? Loading screen. The only solution is to fast travel everywhere in an "immersive" space sim RPG. NMS and Elite:Dangerous have solved this issue. Bethesda needs to get with the times already.

Coming from bg3, I had the opposite opinion. BG3 loading screens take a while but it doesnt load very much unless your loading saves a lot. With Starfield you get hit with a small loading screen constantly like when transitioning in/out of ships, buildings, planets, etc.

I save scum like a mother so bg3 was pretty painful to get through. Starfield was a breath of fresh air.

They released the game 5 years too late, it was clearly made for a different market

Empty, lifeless, soulless without a deep story.

They realized that modders were going to overhaul the game in any way, so they just gave us a blank canvas instead.

Out of everything else, this is the most scathing criticism of this game I’ve seen 🀣

It's funny and true; I have no desire to continue playing and yet I am still excited to get my hands on the toolkit and make my own shit because all I see are missed opportunities everywhere. Honestly, I kinda wonder how into sci-fi the devs actually are, because everything is surface-level and misses the mark on a lot of referencial material so often.

The penultimate step before they just release a barebones framework that just lets the community create all the content (including patching their shitty code) while they keep raking in the money.