Saudi Arabia punishes critical tweets with the death penalty or 45 years in prison to World – 241 points –
Saudi Arabia punishes critical tweets with the death penalty or 45 years in prison

i, for one, look up to a day when oil exports aren't enough to keep that parody of a country running

Nah man that line city’s really gonna do it for them, you’ll see!

It's despicable that the US continues doing business with this horrible fucking country. Instead of turning their country into glass they're buying and selling those scumbags whatever they want.

Well considering "turning their country into glass" would require murdering 35 million people, I'd say let's not do that.

you still have iran around, which ironically would probably do better out of these two when oil market irreversibly crashes (they do have actual industry other than oil, some farming and don't need to hire sudanese for them to die in what passes for "army")

Boy. The government that must silenced it's critics to remain in power must be really weak.

Yes, the Arabs have worried about what you and I find "weak government" since Mohamed

They were pretty worried during the Arab spring. Would've been fantastic if not for the insane extreme Islamists.

What a cheerful bunch of lads this royal family seems to be! Would gladly drink a beer or two with them at the local pub!

I think everyone should make critical tweets of the Saudis to big down the court

Now that Saudi Arabia owns Twitter this is going to be more common