How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 227 points –
How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret

How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret::Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup conducted years of tests at UC Davis, a public university. A WIRED investigation reveals how Neuralink and the university keep the grisly images of test subjects hidden.


I want to see footage of him sitting with a congressional hearing while footage of monkeys scrommiting to death plays on live TV.

I wish he would get sentenced to using his own products.

I'd say it should be a requirement for human integration tech that the CEO has to be willing to get the first one launched. But then there will also be people like the Titan sub guy who care nothing for their life either.

There's no good way to deal with rich malignant narcissists that involves letting them stay rich, maybe

do you think elon musk is personally torturing monkeys for fun? this is a neurotechnology company, there will always be animal testing in this industry.

The issue is that they went to great lengths to cover up how many animals died in their testing, had no plans for long-term care after the testing that anyone can find or produce, and generally acted flagrantly against most every guideline of ethical animal testing in the civilized world.

Now lemmy is an expert on the ethics of animal testing. interesting.

If you pay someone to do harm, it's still commonly considered that you have caused that harm. I don't see how this differs in real moral terms.

And I don't care whether it's legal, that has never been a moral basis for anything.

Are you aware how many medical breakthroughs have occurred because of animal testing? From cancer treatments, to HIV drugs, to vaccines, all would not be possible without testing on animals.

Did you every see the Kids in the Hall movie Brain Candy? The big evil CEO runs a pharmaceutical company and he makes all of his employees eat copious amounts of the pill his company developed.

do you feel the same way about some Insulin, HIV medication, and some cancer treatments that all came to be because of animal testing?


Scrommiting is when you vomit so hard that you're screaming.

I've been that sick. Can't recommend it.

Ok I was (fortunately) unfamiliar with the word, as well as the practise.

Idk man I've made many guesses. Best I can come up with is 'scrotum-vomiting'. I wish I knew enough abiut this situation to say that is outlandish.

I’m okay with the government suing this smug piece of human slime, that is in the puss, within a boil, on the ass of humanity, into nothingness.

If they can use this as the catalyst that finally destroys him, then in my mind, it MIGHT have been worth it.

As fucked up as this is, thanks to these methods we have progressed in many fields. For this instance in particular, fuck Musk, this isn't necessary.

it's funny how people suddenly become enraged about something that happens all the fucking time when its someone they don't like doing it. Guess what, testing on animals has brought some of the greatest medical innovations of all time. It's unfortunate and some may see it as cruel but it serves a definite purpose. Stop pretending like you suddenly care just because a company associated with Elon Musk is doing it. Before you disagree, read some other comments in this thread and tell me that people aren't outraged not because it's killing monkeys but because it's elon musk.

There is a very meaningful difference between humane, highly regulated animal testing and what Musk is doing. Compounding this is the feeling that Musk's high profile is what's letting him get away with this in the first place. He wants to slap his name and face on everything for the credit when it's good, be gets to be the lightning rod when it's not.

My main problem is that neuralink harms monkeys without pushing the science forward because musk bullied the best neuroscientists out.

you read that on reddit?

No yeah that's exactly the problem. Because it's musk, we can be confident it is just bullshit and won't result in any meaningful innovation. It's just torturing monkeys for shits and gigs.

How can you say that? I get you hate musk and I'm no fanboy either but he objectively has been involved in projects that have been pretty innovative. Tesla put EV's on the map, especially with their charging infra. Spacex literally launches shit into space. Musk is not involved in 99.9% of the work that goes into these things.

But no, Musk personally is just torturing monkeys for shits and gigs. because he's evil, that's what reddit told me and i'm sticking to it.

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