House Dem leader: ‘Informal’ discussions underway on speakership mess to politics – 208 points –
House Dem leader: ‘Informal’ discussions underway on speakership mess

Talks of a possible bipartisan solution to the House Speaker standoff that has created chaos in the Republican caucus are underway, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said Sunday.

“There are informal conversations that have been underway. When we get back to Washington tomorrow, it’s important to begin to formalize those discussions,” the New York Democrat said during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

When asked what House Democrats might be asking for a deal with House Republicans, Jeffries said his caucus wants “to ensure that votes are taken on bills that have substantial Democratic support and substantial Republican support so that the extremists aren’t able to dictate the agenda.”


The conditions for dem support aren't really all that terrible for them. End the Biden probe, equal seats on rules committee, and up or down votes on bills.

Republicans act like dems are forcing them to vote yes on an assault weapons ban and Medicare for all.

Republicans act like dems are forcing them to vote yes on an assault weapons ban and Medicare for all.

God, if only.

I mean, at least for the Medicare For All.

Eh, I don't know that the Biden probe really hurts Dems that bad. So far i think it's just been a forum for Republicans to embarrass themselves.

Really, a condition should be that republicans should publicly admit that it was politically motivated bs.

They should concede it was a weaponization of the government to hurt Biden.

I thought they already had, or at least some had. I don't even think they'd care because the whole point of the Biden impeachment is to make all impeachment proceedings seem like politically motivated BS. "Oh, sure, Trump was impeached twice, but who hasn't been impeached now? It's always political." They're just trying to blunt that check against the Executive branch.

I feel most people don't realize, this is exactly what's happening, and it isn't recognized enough.

I don't think it's about being hurt, it's about stopping the waste of time and taxpayer money on this absurd and useless distraction theater so they can actually do their fucking jobs for once.

The traitor caucus really needs the distraction theater to keep their constituents from ever being able to figure out that they're completely incompetent at doing their actual jobs. Remove the distraction and make them put up some real votes on real issues.

Nah, then they'll just endlessly campaign on "the crooked Dems forced us to shut down our investigating, what are they hiding??"

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Ending the Biden probe is suicide for the MAGA fascists. Their base has become so radicalised that they can’t keep their seats if they back down one inch from prosecuting the literally evil paedophile cabal led by the Biden/Hillary/Obama hydra. I saw a recent poll that 12% of their base believes that narrative, and if they lose those voters, they’re doomed (their margins are well within that 12%).

That 12% will not compromise because any concession means conceding to literal demonic paedophiles.

They’ve hitched their horse to a plague wagon and they’ve no way to dismount without severe consequences. I do not feel bad for them.

Republicans act like dems are forcing them to vote yes on an assault weapons ban and Medicare for all.

Democrats won't even vote yes on Medicare for all.

Democrats won't even vote yes on Medicare for all.

Congress should be required to use the government provided healthcare plans. Make them use Medicare/Medicaid and the problems would be solved within a couple months.

Congress should be required to use the government provided healthcare plans. Make them use Medicare/Medicaid and the problems would be solved within a couple months.

Or they would just make the coverage far more comprehensive while making it almost impossible for anyone who isn't a legislator to qualify.

Dude, Medicaid and Medicare are awesome. Why do you think seniors protect Medicare so fiercely? And Medicaid, for its faults with a lower number of providers, is still great coverage. I'd trade my high deductible plan for it tomorrow if i could.

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