Every Android OS should be higher quality than previous release

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to Android@lemdro.id – 52 points –
Google wants every Android version to be 'higher quality than the previous release'

With statements like that, the Onion writers will soon be out of a job

Expand dynamic color usage! Make the wallpaper use the system colors, too? 🤣 More generic and whiter icons for Google applications! Bigger buttons, until a 10" tablet feels like a 4" phone!

Oh and we need under screen everything. Fingerprint reader, camera, a whole under screen screen!

It's been a while, but I just remembered that there actually is an under screen screen. There's a smart watch with a second screen layered on top of the regular screen that it can use to draw less power: TicWatch Pro 5

Maybe they should try doing that then instead of changing things for no reason that aren't broken.

There hasn't been a non disappointing android release since KitKat.

The last time I was even excited about Android was JB and KitKat

I remember how pissed everyone was when an update dropped on the Galaxy S4 which changed the lockscreen wallpaper while listening to music... it was a sad, sad day.

In a perfect world? Every OS would be of higher quality than the previous.

Sounds like typical PR bullshit while leadership continues to force devs to rush features to the detriment of quality.

It better be. Considering that not everyone gets a pixel, fairphone, or a samsung, etc, which have guaranteed updates.