Being flashbanged by my fingerprint sensor to – 104 points –

Hey folks. Got a pixel 7 pro, and it's been alright, except suddenly, if I press the fingerprint sensor on the lock screen for just a split second, it makes the WHOLE SCREEN go full-brightness, with a green tinge. I know it's always lit up the scanner area, which is all it lights up if I hold the sensor, but if I release it early it's actually very uncomfortable. Any suggestions besides the obvious "don't let go 5head"? Is this an android version bug, a hardware issue? Anyone else had this happen?

Edit: autocorrect

Edit 2:


you probably have face/iris unlock enabled, I dont have that phone specifically, but some phones will use the screen to make sure there is enough light for the sensor to work

EDIT: I thin it might just be face unlock

No, face unlock on Pixels doesn't do anything to illuminate your face, it simply refuses to work if the lighting's too dim. It's actually worse than the face unlock in Google Smart Lock in dealing with low light environments.

*most pixels

The 4XL had the best face detection in the industry, employing an additional infrared camera with its own invisible light.

I didn't buy a pixel 4 because it was Google's first attempt at face unlock. Decided to spice things up and get an iPhone for a change. FaceID is fanfuckingtadtic and I'm sad that my pixel 7 doesn't have proper face unlock.

Imo: rear mounted fingerprint sensor > proper face unlock > under screen fingerprint.

I did have face unlock enabled. I doubted it was the cause of the issue, but went ahead and disabled it, can confirm that it's still flashing me.

I can't say what it could be then. I would be inclined to think it a software bug considering it seems to only happen under this specific scenario?

In further testing, any use of the fingerprint sensor can cause it. Lock screen, or in app authentication. It's like the flash that's normally under just the scanner instead happens on the entire screen. It happens consistently if I tap the scanner for about the shortest possible time I physically can.

I have a Pixel 7 and mine does the same flash bang thing on fingerprint. I just figured it was to "see" the fingerprint better. I only notice it when it's really dark.

Hilarious way to describe it. I knew right away what you were talking about.

I've got a Pixel 7 Pro and this doesn't happen with mine so it's possibly a defect with yours. No idea how that could happen, though as it sounds more like a software issue

It's a really weird issue for sure. I've had nothing but issues with this screen. I've had it for all of 4 months, and had to have the screen replaced for a band across the center horizontally that was not accepting touch. Three screens later, and finally I have one that doesn't have any visual or touch defects, and now I get flashbanged if I fumble unlocking it. Ugh.

If you're consistently having screen issues with your Pixel and it's not due to any accidental damage but straight out the box it could very well be a problem with the motherboard. Various ways to solve this like contacting Google and seeing if they'll do an in-warranty replacement device, or you could see if a Google authorized repair center will do a MOBO replacement. However the suggestion I commented elsewhere in this thread is the better 1st step to take

Yeah, I've had 4 screens replaced. First one, a horizontal band just stopped taking touch input about 3/4 of the way down, and then they replaced it 3 times, each with unique display issues out of the box, and now this lol. This is my first Google phone and, honestly, probably my last.

Edit:just realized you were replying in a chain I had already explained all of that. Oh well!

To be perfectly honest this is why I don't like Pixels. Every manufacturer has issues of course. I'm not saying Pixels are bad, just I wouldn't get them because of personal preference and the design. The Pixel 4s constantly had battery issues because of the quality of the material used for the battery connector. The Pixel 5s were actually pretty good in terms of hardware issues. The Pixel 6s were nightmares. Constantly having battery or screen issues. As for the 7s I can't say as I stopped repairing phones a year ago

This is my first pixel device, and probably the last TBH. Not a good introductory experience.

I will say, my used Pixel 6 (GrapheneOS) has worked beautifully so far, with no hardware defects. If I had to complain, the speakers aren't particularly loud, but I've had no hardware issues with it. I agree with other people, it sounds like it could be a bad motherboard? It would be interesting if you could post a video of the issue

I'll see what I can do about a video. The only thing I really have to record is... Well, my phone lol. I'll borrow one at some point.

Can confirm as well, the speakers kinda blow on the pixel 7 pro, as well lol

This could be a possible issue with your screen but it's most likely an issue with the Finger Print Sensor (FPS) Software. With Pixel 6 and up the FPS software works in conjunction with the LCD (Since it's on the screen). You should take it to an authorized Google repair center (for example a uBreakifix) and the issue will likely still be covered under the manufacturer's warranty(free of charge). There's a specific program that Google gives these repair centers to reinstall the FPS software on it each time they do an LCD swap. I'm sure that they would be willing to reinstall the software on your Pixel without going through the process of switching the LCD to see if it fixes your issue. Shouldn't take more than 20 mins but it could be longer if they're backed up on same-day repairs. Source: I had to do this a many times for the Pixel 6. And I vaguely remember a customer with a similar issue on the 6 pro.

P.S. Before doing this you could try a factory reset on your phone to see if it fixes the issue. Or start Android in safe mode to rule out any 3rd party software that could be causing the issue. (Though I doubt it, I have a feeling the issue will persist).

No need to go to a repair shop, Google offers this publicly

It does factory reset the phone so make sure your data is backed up

Cool, I'll give this a shot when I have some time. Hopefully it's just a software issue, I'll be a bit annoyed if i have to have ANOTHER screen replaced on a 4 month old phone lmao. Thanks for the info!

This seems like the most likely solution, unfortunately. I say unfortunately because I've had this phone for all of 4 months and it's been nothing but screen and fingerprint issues lol. I'll try the fps reinstall program the other person posted first, and then if still nada, guess I'm going to UBIF again.

On Lemmy, You can embed a video like this:


Which looks like:

I am not an expert, but that kinda sounds similar to my old phone when the screen connector broke. It went greenish white and really bright. I dropped mine though.

My fucking mobile does this now when it gets hot! If I play a game or put it on charge the screen will ping up but green-tinted and sometimes with part of it missing. As long as the temp is low it works A-OK.

Though, I threw my phone from the third floor of a hospital after a suicide attempt to stop the brain scanning tech inside from frying my brain and allowing UK armed-response police from tracking me.

The nurses rescued it from a puddle in a tarpauline covering the ground within 30mins.

3 days later I realised the brain scanning was a delusion and I was just "insane in the membrain" after the OD.

I hope you get the help you need. Im glad that the phone was recovered. I threw mine down some hospital stairs too going to grab something from another floor. I also bent one in a car door. It had a 30° bend but worked fine.

Was it just for a split second, almost like if you use the front camera with flash? If so, yeah that's exactly what mine is doing, but when I unlock it. Bizarre.

Had exact same issue on my Vivo X70 Pro+. And the cause was something I doubt will be there on a Pixel. My device has an option to always show fingerprint icon, or show only when screen is lit up.

Always showing the icon flashbanged me with light as well. You might try this if that option exists for you.

If it doesn't, then turn off AOD.

I don't believe the fingerprint option exists on the pixel, or equally likely, I'm blind, especially now. I'll check AOD though!

Switch to a pattern or pin to unlock you phone. These are the ideal methods for security. Hopefully, someone will have a better solution. I'm on LineageOS, so, I don't know if it is an issue with Android.

Yeah physical security isn't my biggest concern with the device. It's more of an accidental touch prevention mechanism for me, so the easier it is to get it out of the way when I want it gone, the better, at least for my use case. This is... Not working, though, my retinas hurt now.

You might be able to get help over on the if you can't find it here.

I'll check there tomorrow, if I don't see any answers tonight. End of the day, I'll just turn off fingerprint and use something else, more than anything I'm curious what's causing it.

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