Gaza under blackout as Israel reports 'good progress' in war against Hamas to World – 202 points –
Gaza under blackout as Israel reports 'good progress' in war against Hamas

I'll tell you one thing - I've been on reddit just trying to provide some counters to the (extremely genocidal) conversation going on over there, but the censorship is just out of control. /r/worldnews mods will straight up permaban you for a comment like "I just wish everyone would try to resolve this peacefully". You look at the front of /r/worldnews any day, it's 60% articles from Israeli newspapers and the comments are just 75% "[removed]".

One of the biggest discussion sites on the internet and they've basically weaponized it into a propaganda tool. Shameful time we live in.

Reddit has been extremely trash. Going back from time to time wondering if the people there are talking about topics I’m interested in that haven’t gained traction on lemmy has made me seriously question why I ever liked using that site. You’re absolutely right about the genocidal conversation on r/worldnews, it’s so disgusting.

That sub isn't officially right-wing, but it's definitely right-wing. I've seen a ton of transphobic bullshit upvoted there too, for example.

It has been the same way for many years. I remember that's why people started world politicssub but that was taken over or something. Most of reddit has become a breeding ground for hate filled Americans and Israelis who think there is no higher calling in the world but to kill terrorists and any amount of collateral damage is acceptable. Of course every definition of terrorists also applies to Israel but they don't see the irony of that.

Why is “good progress” in quotes but not “war with Hamas?”

Characterizing the leveling of Gaza as a war with Hamas is Israeli propaganda.

‘Good progress, with this kill rate we’ll be done in a few years!’

This is the best summary I could come up with:

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Hagari also said Israel would allow trucks carrying food, water and medicine to enter Gaza on Saturday, indicating that bombing might pause, at least in the area of its border with Egypt where small amounts of aid have been arriving.

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Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said it was particularly worried for patients, medical staff and thousands of families taking shelter there and at other health facilities.

An Al Jazeera correspondent, reporting live on Saturday morning, described the cut in internet and phone communications as "catastrophic" for rescue efforts following a night of heavy Israeli bombardment.

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There has been growing speculation that a Qatari-brokered deal to release more hostages was imminent but Israeli military spokesman Hagari said Hamas was cynically manipulating the situation.

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The armed wing of Hamas, the al-Qassam brigades, said early on Saturday its fighters were clashing with Israeli troops in Gaza's northeastern town of Beit Hanoun and in the central area of Al-Bureij.

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The United States and other Western countries have offered strong support to Israel but had urged it to hold off on a ground offensive for fear that high casualties among Palestinians would fuel wider conflict.

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The original article contains 1,126 words, the summary contains 215 words. Saved 81%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Obviously hitting some weapons cache from the secondaries on the clips I've seen.

Without knowing who I am talking about, which would you say is closer to your view: If a group fires rockets and kills civilians, is it

A) An act of terror for which the group should be punished

B) A regrettable outcome but permissible because they should have the right to defend themselves

A false dichotomy.

For the purposes of what is going on: one government attacked another government, leading to retaliation. In both cases, civillians were predominantly targeted.

Hamas are terrorists, no doubts about it. But they are also the government of Gaza. And the Israeli Government/IDF/Mossad have been engaging in a slow genocide of a people in what amounts to a concentration camp for decades.

There are no "good guys" in this war. And it is a war. And, like in all wars, it is the civilians who suffer. The Israelis and tourists who were viciously attacked and brutalized. And the Palestinians being used as human shields by Hamas.

And... that is also why a "two state solution" is off the table. Because it will just mean Hamas becomes legitimized and consolidates their power.

But... there is also no situation where the Palestinians survive under the Israeli government.

But... there is also no situation where the Palestinians survive under the Israeli government.

In current day Israel there are more than 2 million Arab/Palestinians, more than 20% and growing... While in Gaza strip the Jewish population is 0, and won't ever grow...

Before I go off on how that post comes across: What point are you trying to make?

Also, ignoring that there were 214000 Jewish people in the West Bank and Gaza in 2002 and that is unlikely to have reached actual zero (, ther are at least the Israeli and other assorted nation hostages. Many of which are Jewish. So...

Also: I believe the IDF's goal at this point is also to make sure the population of Gaza won't ever grow again...

My point was that 2 million Palestinian Israeli citizens live and prosper, though according to "thah genocide" folks, should be gradually disappearing...

And, while I don't have stats, but I believe Palestinians in the West bank under PA rule enjoy higher standard of living compared to Gazans, despite having much less international funds funneled to them - but I may be in the wrong here.

... I mean, that number went down by about 8000 in the past couple weeks. So while that is not in the slightest bit "gradual", they are "disappearing" at the rate at which people can bury or burn the bodies.

Also, isn't customary to wait until AFTER the war to start denying genocide?

I was speaking about Palestinian Israeli citizens, those that live inside Israel, learn in universities in Jerusalem/Tel Aviv/Haifa, work in law, pharmacies, hospitals or retail, pay Israeli taxes etc etc. Not about Gazans or West bank.

It may be a false dichotomy, but it is also two contradictory positions held by the both groups in this conflict.

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