After criticizing the reddit admins I find all my posts and comments stuck in the mod queue forever, on any sub. even though I have thousands of karma on the account. anyone else? to Reddit – 155 points –

They're probably blacklisting anyone who participated in the protests even if it's just by commenting. Remember yesterday when Reddit's servers were choking? I thought it was a site-wide issue as I couldn't open anything at all, but then I tried visiting the same Reddit links while unlogged and surprise, the site worked. It is as if Reddit is trying to hinder our ability to comment without us noticing it.

How would I comment there after I stopped going to their site, though? 🤣

Vote with your URL bar!

Have to go to their site to continue deleting everything I've ever posted.

Let a GreaseMonkey script automate those manual deletions.

Do they want a devastating, million-view YouTube documentary on the fall of reddit made?
Because they sure seem to be asking for one
and Internet Historian would have a field day with it...

Definitely got a shadowban for making a comment calling out spez during his AMA....

Soviets and Nazis were know for doing this sort of thing...

lets be reasonable now lol

The stakes are obviously much lower; however, the similarities between autocratic regimes and how reddit is acting lately are eerie...

Reddit is falling on its own sword on the stupidest hill.

We need to be serious about this move. How can anyone go back to a platform that profits solely from its users but then treat them like fucking crap? Extreeeeeme entitlement. Needs to be culled. If we don't out our foot down it'll spread like microtransactions in games did when no one spoke up when it first began.

The creator of the reddit Sync app has said he's making a Sync for Lemmy app. It's sad to see reddit go the way of Digg and Tumbler but so be it.

Wait is this true? 😯 I heard the exact opposite, that he said it would be too much work to migrate all APIs to lemmy. Do you have a source? Man, I would love if I get my beloved sync back.

I had some comments straight up deleted from reddit alternatives, I had a long blurb about the history of aaron swartz, the ellen pao fiasco and how changing the API structure will fuck them over in the long run.

Completely gone, I cleared and deleted my account after that shit.

Deleted by mods or admins?

Mods can only hide content from others but you will see it.

If it says removed by reddit then an admin did it

Already razed my account, so it's starting to really get wild now

Clean put all your stuff and move on man, that ship is sinking like the fucking Lusitania

Can't say, I left immediately jumped ship the moment Spez doubled down on their API change, before even the blackouts started. Good thing I trusted my instincts this time.