Republican pushes to overturn Ohio election result to – 133 points –
Republican pushes to overturn Ohio election result

Honestly who in Ohio gives AF about what some dickhead Republican from North Dakota thinks?

Columbus, Ohio has more people than this guy's entire state, he can fuck right back off to his backwater frozen wasteland.

Newsweek and their evangelical ownership gives AF!

Honestly would like to see a lil more discretion around stories from trashy sources getting posted. We aren't on Reddit any more.

We need ways to filter out shitty sources here, it's something I had with RiF and absolutely miss, probably one of the best features that Reddit is Fun had.

She commented: "Producing ads that graphically show the truth of an abortion as a baby is being ripped apart or dies lying on a cold metal trey gasping for air after being ripped out of its mother's womb is the truth America needs to see versus the democrat's never ending ads lying to women that baby murder is their right.

"Too offensive? No not for America and definitely not for democrats."

I'd like to ask her how she'd feel about gun control ads using actual school massacre photos.

People need to stop voting for people who say stuff like this.

Brandon Prichard "Direct democracy should not exist".

Wtf kind of democracy is he advocating for then?

Idjits gotta idjit I guess.

They want the kind where they make all the rules and you have to follow them.

Wtf kind of democracy is he advocating for then?


Prichard... has previously called on conservative states to "put into code that Jesus Christ is King and dedicate their state to Him"

He wants theocracy, of course.

Well that's a shitty desire, esp since the Bible was written for those who believe, not for believers to use as a bludgeon on everyone around them.

Does he though. Christianity as defined in the Bible is a hippy dippy groovy dude weed lmao religion.

The kind where, when they can no longer win at the ballot box, they don't abandon their beliefs, they abandon democracy.

The kind of democracy in which theocratic Christians rule as fuedal lords. In other words, not democracy.

I have no idea what he's saying, or even who he is. But representative democracy (electing officials) is usually the other option other than direct democracy. (individuals voting on matters)

It would be nice if we could overturn this traitors citizenship.