Pro-Palestinian Activists Take Over Amsterdam Central Station to World – 136 points –
Pro-Palestinian Activists Take Over Amsterdam Central Station - UNICORN RIOT

Also same in the Central Railway Station of Helsinki, Finland. Apparently an organic protest without a spokesperson. Protests require to be notified to the police beforehand here so this was a surprise

It is greatly worrying that the violence there is spilling over to our country.

The protestors are right and the government is wrong.

Not in our name. We want no part in crimes against civilians in this Israel-Hamas conflict.

They should go protest to whom is doing the thing, not to bystanders. Hamas and IDF are doing this so maybe they should contact them?

We don't live in a direct democracy, we live in a representative one. Our representatives are supposed to, you know, represent us, in putting our government's resources to action according to our intentions.

Hamas and IDF are doing this so maybe they should contact them?

I'm sure that Hamas will lay down it's arms and the IDF will immediately retreat from Gaza after receiving an angry call from these people.

So it would be just as effective as these "protests".

This protest might make it to the "achtuurjournaal" and increase political pressure to actually do something. It's unlikely that it will, but the chances of it doing anything are better than the alternatives.

Is one of those alternatives returning the hostages, laying down arms, and negotiating for peace? Because I feel like that's a much better alternative that's far more likely to end this conflict, and also something that Palestinians can do to end this immediately. Definitely more effective than shutting down train stations in unrelated countries.

You do realize the ones shutting down the train stations and the ones in charge of Hamas are not the same group? Pretty stupid to compare them like that. It's like saying having murderers stop murdering is more effective than having police hunt down murderers and capturing them.

Yawn... yet another worthless white moderate whining that other people's lives and freedom are less important than his convenience.

If you're going to invoke Dr. King in this conflict you should be aware of his position regarding it.

MLK has been dead for 50+ years. Claiming he has a position on Netanyahu's genocidal tactics is utter nonsense.

It's almost like this conflict extends back a long time, and the root causes of it, and cited motivations for violence, haven't changed since his time.

It's almost like it's bad-faith trolling to pretend root causes are relevant when we're actually talking about Israel's current tactics. It's pretty fucking disgusting that you apparently can't agree that genocide is wrong no matter who started it.

Israel's current tactics are the result of the position it finds itself in, fighting against a guerilla terrorist government in a densely populated urban area. And that's because of a long causal chain of events going back to the root causes. King was alive during most of what Palestine considers instigating events, the Nakba, the '67 war...

Only one side of this conflict explicitly intends to commit genocide, and it's not Israel. Only one side did commit genocide when they had the upper hand, and it wasn't Israel. Historical context is relevant and not just yesterday's tactics, considered in a vacuum.

Although war is tragic, I don't consider this a genocide. Eliminating an ethnic group is clearly not Israel's intention or motivation. If it were they could have easily done so by now and they haven't for obvious reasons. I oppose genocide, I don't oppose self-defense. This is about safety for them.

Eliminating an ethnic group is clearly not Israel's intention or motivation.

If Israel wanted to change their position, they'd think seriously about peace. The last administration who did was Rabin's, and he got assassinated for it.

The last administration who did was Rabin's, and he got assassinated for it

Could be part of why the current administration doesn't want to try it.

The current administration is often blamed for said assassination, including by his widow. Bibi held a rally where he engaged in what many consider stochastic terrorism.

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20% of Israel's population is Arab with full citizenship rights. Why are Arabs in Gaza being treated the way they are, is it because they are ethnically Arab, or because they are a belligerent and violent nation? Clearly the latter.

20% of Israel's population is Arab with full citizenship rights.

because they are a belligerent and violent nation?

Fun fact: The blockade started before Hamas was elected. It has also been historically Israel who didn't follow ceasefire agreements. It has also been Israel who funded Hamas and supported them against the more moderate PNA.

Gaza is violent because peace doesn't work. The West Bank is proof of that with the slow-motion genocide (or ethnic cleansing if you wanna understate) going on there.

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I think it's great that you're such a big fan of Amy Schumer that you've endorsed her terrible take on this. I can't say I'm that big a fan, but I love some of her comedy. Her realistic military game sketch is a great bit.

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So happy I do not live in a big city right now. So annoying to be blocked by these people when trying to get anywhere.

You should also be happy you are not unfortunate to live either in Gaza or West Bank too. Because if you were I am sure you would have looked at this from a different angle.

I mean there are a ton of bad stuff happening many places. Don't understand why I should care so much about this one.

Because if no one cares about those things they won't change.

forming a protest march in a city thousands of miles away from the theater of war isnt going to change anything either - if it did, the huge protests in London, etc would have done something.

So let's sit and watch how thousands of innocent lives are destroyed? Is this your solution? Or what solution do you suggest?

Protests themselves don't do much, but Western governments are Israel's biggest backers so Westerners working to change their policy on Israel does matter.

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lol that’s the point. Complain to your local “leader” that their actions (or lack of) are causing you discomfort

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It's a sign that you can't continue living your life just the way you do. It's a wake-up call, you dipshit.

I absolutely can though? Looking forward to the next news cycle as this is getting kinda boring.

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