Do you think Taylor Swift's life inspired the Hanna Montana show, or the show gave Taylor Swift a template to follow, or is it a Jungian archetype that inevitably occurred because history was ready? to – -29 points –

Taylor Swift started out around the same time as the Hannah Montana show, so not that one.

Taylor Swift and her team have too much business savvy to follow a 00s Disney show as a template, so not number two.

Trying to cram real life people and things into "jungian archetypes" is reductionist and the online, self-taught philosophist bro's version of astrology.

Two people thought of evolution at the same time, independently. Two people thought of calculus at the same time. At the right time.

Sometimes history is just ready for a thing to happen, and it happens. Maybe I muddied the water with my talk of archetypes. I think we can have the best of both worlds here.

I like the best of both worlds pun, but what the fuck are you even talking about here?

Alfred Russell Wallace discovered evolution concurrently with Darwin, and sent him a letter that purportedly spooked him into publishing "Origin of Species" before anyone could 'scoop' him. Wallace had proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution, what Darwin had been working on independently.

Calculus was discovered independently in the late 17th century by two great mathematicians: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz.

I'm just saying sometimes things emerge because it's just time for them to emerge. Maybe that's what happened with Hanna Montana and Taylor Swift. It was just time.

What I'm saying is that's not relevant, Hannah Montana and Taylor Swift are two different human beings who went on two different journeys that happened to be at the same time. If you're just saying the world was ready for some children pop stars then I guess it's hard to argue with that.

Pop stars like these two are pretty common for all ages. Like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and Pink, and Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey And all the others before.

People have recognized that species changed over time since the BC era. There are records of such from the Latin/Greek area and the Islamic area and Chinese area. Two dudes didn't magically come up with evolution from scratch at the same time.

Of course you're right. It was the mechanism for change, namely Natural Selection, that was discovered.

I'll take "reading too much into coincidences" for $1,000, Alex.

I mean, this is a joke, clearly. So, I vote for both.

I could’ve sworn I heard of a Hannah Montana-type show/character years before the show came out..

All I know about jungian psychology comes from a weird french animation show called crisis Jung, which basically amounts to nothing since I barely understood the madness on the screen.

Crisis Jung - Trailer :

Jung's work is too derivative. If you want to be taken seriously, coach it in terms of Freud's theories.

All I know is that somehow Miley Cyrus has already ruined her face, somehow.

How? It doesn't look like she has had any surgery or injections.

All I see is different make-up and haircut styles.