Mildly infuriating typography to Mildly – 250 points –

Mildly amusing if you ask me.

@Sabin10 it's the kind of subtle trolling where the troll gets under their victim's skin but the general population will think the victim is imagining things.

I work in print and only one of my coworkers picked up on what's happening here so far.

Is that not Helvetica?

I am convinced beyond a doubt that some day, years from now, this knowledge will somehow save my life.

While you’re learning things about Helvetica, you should know it’s the Latin word for “Swiss”

And that their two-letter country code, commonly seen in Swiss domain names, is CH for Confoederatio Helvetica.

Gaslighting, in the form of a laundry bag.

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing this is actually Arial or Nimbus Sans or something.

I’m honest surprised that this many people on Lemmy can spot the difference between Arial and Helvetica.

I get the impression that a few of you have had to define a few CSS sans-serif fallback fonts in your day.