Trump says he'll be a dictator only 'on day one' if elected to Not The – 194 points –
Trump says dictator only 'on day one' if elected

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Donald Trump has said that he will not become a dictator if he becomes US president again except "on day one", after warnings from Democrats and some Republicans that the US was in danger of becoming an autocracy if he wins the 2024 election. Fuck, well at least he's honest on this statement


Wasn't expecting to be hit with the tyrannical equivalent of "Just the tip!" today, lol.

How was I supposed to know you were lactose intolerant?

Seems legit. I never knew you could just do limited versions. So like:

  • One day dictator
  • Just a little genocide
  • Racist against a single group.
  • Limited war

I was watching Chris Christie on stage in the GOP debate being the sensible person. What the actual F....

Every day will be day one

ha, tomorrow you can have democracy. Too bad tomorrow is always a day away.

In an unrelated note, Trump embraces Amazon's "It's always day 1 culture"

Come on guys, don't you trust him? He seems like such a trustworthy fella.

He just needs to get a quick Night of the long Knives in and then he'll totally stop being a dictator.