SEGA Reveal Teasers (Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi and More) to – 179 points –


I dunno, bomb rush may have stolen their lunch. Can jet set reclaim their throne?

Well BRCF has one Naganuma track, so by that metric Bomb Rush is in the lead by a wide margin.

Ngl tho, Im still gonna buy it if the reviews are good. I assumed JSRF had been replaced by BRCF, so Im over the moon about there being 2 franchises about graffiti on wheels

BRCF was excellent, but I could always use more. I’ve still got my Dreamcast and my Xbox connected to my tv and both have jsr/jsrf in them. So I’m all for more options!

Nah, jet set radio is better. You can take more hits, there's more characters, you move faster, and that's just start of why Jet Set Radio is better than BoMb RuSh

The Crazy Taxi license plate was a nice touch. I saw that and knew it was going to be Crazy Taxi (which I loved). SoR, CT and JGR were games I loved playing and can't wait to play new versions of.

Damn, Sega has been at work!

I knew the new Jet Set Radio was going to be announced, but wow, it’s way better than I expected! Those graphics are insane.

Oh man, these all look great. I knew there were images floating around from a new Jet Set Radio game, but the rest were a complete surprise. Obviously too early to tell how the games will turn out, but it's good to see Sega doing something new with their old IPs instead of just doing re-releases.

Streets of Rage looks awesome. I’m also excited about Golden Axe. I spent so many hours playing that on Sega Genesis. I hope the remake turns out good.

I feel like the CIA guy the government wants for "just one more job" in the movies. Well fuck, I guess it's time to lace up my skates and pop the fatcaps on the cans...

Did they miss the memo on Armored Core 6? If they're bringing back a Dreamcast franchise, it's Virtual On

They all like kidna bad ngl

jet set radio lost all the charm it had by just slapping a botw like filter over the characters, wheres then style? and the others just look so generic as hell, like what happened?

I'll probably wait for more than a few seconds of gameplay footage to form an opinion.

teaser and trailers exist to make you excited for the actual product, than again trailers rarely do so for a number of years now

Kind of sounds like you just aren't into video games anymore, or at least the same ones you used to be. Also everyone is probably feeling massive reboot and sequel fatigue at this point.

But yeah I'll wait for some actual reviews on YT before thinking about buying any of these.

To me it looks more like a modern manga/anime (more detail, smoother gradients) vs the original that paid homage to (classic?) manga (black and white / block colour).