Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about antisemitic graffiti scrawled all over bathroom, getting berated by workers to – 20 points –
Jewish woman kicked out of cafe after complaining about antisemitic graffiti scrawled all over  bathroom, getting berated by workers

The "antisemitic" graffiti in question was:

"Zionism = Fascism"
"Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide"
"Free palestine"

The fact that is being called "antisemitic" is fucking nuts. Labeling a genocide as a genocide isn't antisemitic.

They also called it hate speech.

Fuck that Karen ass lady, the new york post, the owner, and any other shit stain promoting this shit.

Israel is a colonist apartheid state actively committing genocide. Down with Israel and its supporters.

accusing her of wanting to use the facilities because “Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own.”

I mean, kinda

They aren't wrong though. Kicking Palestinians out of areas so they can convert them to Israeli settlements is a thing that's been happening for decades and is happening right now.

They should add "peace in the middle east starts with the total dismantling of the Israeli government."

"Zionism = Fascism"
"Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide"
"Free palestine"

If you call this anti-semetic, you actually deserve to get kicked out. None of the messages even mention Jews, but Zionists can't accept any form of criticism so they just call everything antisemitic.

Fuck Zionists

Media bias / fact check for New York Post:

Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks. [...]
According to a survey conducted by Pace University in 2004, was rated the least credible major news outlet in New York.

It's also owned and run by Murdoch (surprise!), and is apparently Trump's favorite newspaper. :(

All very well and good but the story is based on a video. I just watched it. The reporting in this case seems totally fine.

Not defending New York Post generally or especially not Murdoch, but bad sources can still run legit stories sometimes.

Edit: not directed at you, I'm sure you weren't disputing this. Just for the record

A) I don't trust anything from any Murdoch outlet, including the Post.

B) Bias also shows in what stories they decide to cover, and which ones they don't. For example, the New York Post ran ten different stories yesterday about anti-Semitism, and nine the day before. They've also run exactly one story on Islamophobia in the past week.

Not directed at you, I just wish people would stop pushing stories from dubious outlets, it just amplifies the bullshit the outlets want you to pay attention to while distracting you from the stuff they want you to ignore. And it gives them traffic and revenue, which just encourages them to do more of it.

Yeah fair enough! Best approach is to find the same story elsewhere I guess.

What other outlets are reporting on this that aren't 'dubious'?

Except they accepted her story without any qualifications or explanations that Zionism has fuck all to do with semitic languages.

Congrats to the NY Post for truthful reporting! I'll be the first to admit i didn't see this coming

Ah yes that famous anti-Semitic slogan: "free Palestine!"

Is that from Mein Kampf?

telling her “Free Palestine” and accusing her of wanting to use the facilities because “Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own.”

They verbally said that among other things.

Yeah that guy who said that seems like an asshole. True, but not her fault or responsibility.

But my point stands. Do you think saying "free Palestine" is antisemitic?

Do you think saying "free Palestine" is antisemitic?

What? No, and i never implied that. I was pointing out that "free Palestine" was not the graffiti mentioned in the article but was verbal.

It is the graffiti if you check the images. That was written on the changing table.

Yeah I was just asking because I wasn't sure what your point was. I didn't think so but was a bit confused.

She then films messages including “Zionism = Fascism,” “Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide” and “Free Palestine.”

It was written down, fyi.

The antisemitic graffiti? Warranted criticism of Israels fascist genocide and the wests enablement of it.

Another mild criticism of Israel being inappropriately labeled as antisemitism.

Uhh, all it said was "Zionism = Fascism", which it does.

It was clearly anti-zionist graffiti. But the zionist agenda is hell-bent on conflating antizionism with antisemitism so zionists can do whatever they want without fear of criticism.

Lmao. Yet more conflation of Zionism with being a Semite. Fully half the semites still living in the region aren't even Jewish though and have been occupied by the Zionist half for decades. Criticism of a nationalist ideology is not racist.

The graffiti wasn’t antisemitic at all, and it was weird of her to think it was, but it was also kind of weird to not let her use the restroom??

What a fuckin joke.

"Don't besmirch my particular flavor of fascism or I'll label you an antisemite."

Is that meant to show the ADL making propaganda, or try to convince people that anti Zionism is anti Semitism? Because they refuse to acknowledge there are non Jew semites. It's literally conflating a language group (Hebrew and Arabic) with a nationalist governing ideology.