Why Americans are going hungry despite a strong economy

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 111 points –
Why Americans are going hungry despite a strong economy

People go hungry so Multi-Millionaires can strive. News at 11.

And still Congress didn't pass a wealth tax, or close at least some tax loopholes only the rich can access.

It's the same damn thing in Canada as well. And it sucks.

Unless gov'ts get off their asses and DO the things that need to be done, revolution will come ... and they won't like the outcome at all.

No one will like the outcome. Revolution almost never results in a better living standard in the lifetime of those involved.

That's not to say it's the worst course of action, just recognizing the down sides.

You're right ofc. But almost every radical change in the world has come from revolution, because rich powerful people don't listen to, or even see, the struggles the people face.

People who love power don't give it up willingly.

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I’m convinced the only reason one hasn’t already started is because revolutions, while often very necessary agents of change and herald a lot of good for the future, are both risky and dangerous for everyone involved and in the back of our heads keep hoping things will change for the better without violence. Unfortunately it’s become increasingly and maddeningly obvious that will not ever happen.

It hasn't happened because the people in power have learned the lessons of history and have been manipulating the masses for a very long time.

Revolutions are like wildfires: The longer you put one off the more destructive it is when it finally does come.

The US Congress will never pass a wealth tax without a Democratic majority in both chambers, and enough of a buffer to make Senators like Manchin and Sinema not matter

Wealth taxes have often been ineffective in other countries where they've been tried, since they're very hard and expensive to administer. Something like a land value tax is much much simpler to collect and produces significantly better economic incentives. Wealth taxes incentivize you to offshore as many assets as possible, while land value takes incentivize you to use land as productively as possible since you can't exactly hide a chunk of real estate in Switzerland.

That aside though, any kind of asset-based tax is constitutionally questionable and would absolutely be litigated to the Supreme Court, where I wouldn't exactly want to place any bets on that outcome right now.

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But with rent that’s more than doubled...

We really need politicians to start paying more attention to the housing crisis. Housing costs have been such a massive squeeze on literally everyone, and it's an incredibly stupidly self-inflicted wound because for the last 50 years we collectively decided that housing should be a primary investment asset for all Americans instead of a place to live, and fundamentally, you cannot have housing both be a good investment and have it be cheap.

Literally just build more housing. Public housing, subsidized housing, private market rate, yuppie condos, literally anything.


In the last 20 years, we build around a million single-family homes. In that same time period, the population increased by 3 million. There is no universe in which this happens and housing doesn't become significantly more expensive.

Zoning restrictions is a huge cause of housing shortages and higher infrastructure costs.

Biden is giving developers a bunch of money to convert vacant business properties into housing, so it's a start.

A band aid solution to the problem, in my opinion, but I agree it's a start.

Price gouging. Is it price gouging?

reads article

It’s price gouging.

Remember the food lines when Trump was President? I do

the lines at the food pantry every week went from a few people and 5 minutes to get through to 50-60+ and 60-90 minutes during that time.

We used to have a strategic food supply in the US in case other countries fell into famine. Or, if we needed it ourselves. No longer. I guess Congress felt it was too expensive to keep.

Don't tell me they got rid of the strategic cheese reserve!

The rice was a big hit. No better foreign relations than giving a big ol bag of rice to a starving family. Stars and stripes printed on the outside.

These people need to take a look at The Statistics™ so they understand that the economy is actually very good while their stomachs rumble

Enjoy giving more money to Israel and Ukraine guys

Right, people definitly going hungry because the US spends 15% of it's military budget on foreign aid. You're some regular Einstein.

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Ukrainians are actually dying to Russian rockets. Don't know how you can claim some moral superiority

Stop moralizing. Why do you think the same money going to Ukraine is tied to Israel and Taiwan? Think about it. What connects those three?

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That benefits the United States greatly and boosts the economy. Both conflicts are huge revenue generators and almost all the funding goes to American companies.

That comes out to an average of $330 per person, if you assume an even distribution of taxes paid, which is completely false, so the real figure is substantially lower for the median person.

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