Argument over dog poop leads to deadly shooting: police to Not The – 122 points –

An armed society is a ~polite~ deadly society.

In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S. In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC. Besides the ~ 21.000 Murder every year, imagine people would have access to mental health care or a controlled way for people to end their life if they (after consultation) really do not want to continue their lifes. People would not need to use guns to end themself.

Do pro gun advocates cheer for the people who use guns to end themself? I never saw the NRA saying that they are fighting for the right of people to end themself as this is the biggest outcome apprently. 54% of the Time people fire a gun to kill, it is to kill a gun owner (themself).

I certainly don't celebrate it and I think most of those people were probably making a mistake, but I also think suicide is a legitimate choice that we should accept.

You will definitely see people online talking like all the suicides aren't a big deal.

You'd rather more pill deaths? Go advocate for assisted suicide if you really believe people need an easy way out. The point of a gun suicide is that it works well, is quick, and painless (all if done correctly). There's no better way to commit suicide. So if you take that away, you're really fucking over the people that are suffering and telling them they have to suffer more.

Tbf it's easier to murder someone than take the shame of being called out for not picking up (your own) dog poop.

I don’t see what’s oniony about this, people that don’t pickup after their dogs should be severely and unusually punished. Extrajudicial is just extra justice.

Edit: not picking up dog poop is inconsiderate, murder is abhorrent. Do we really need /s on nottheonion too?

You kinda need the /s if you're gonna deny the onionnessof the article in the same comment.

Not trying to throwing stones here, but the headline isn’t oniony. Unfortunately it’s unsurprising gun news, it’s also not funny.

The sarcastic part was suggesting vigilante turd policing.

That's the thing, if you say the title is non-oniony, it implies that you agree with the logic, or at least can believe it exists.

If you then make a joke using that same logic as a basis, you can't then be surprised that people would associate it with the previous statement and think you were saying it seriously.

Sarcasm relies on pointing out faulty logic, while your joke was predated by a statement in support of the believability of that logic. Can you see how people are easily confused?

It's called Poe's law

Thank you, im aware though. I just really like jokes and tagging one as /s lessens them.

It’s like a laugh track, rubber chicken, or rimshot. It just telegraphs the joke and robs discovering the humor. I know I’m very alone in this opinion by now, but the s/ is just a bad thing. We shouldn’t need a que to be on the lookout for the silliness in the absurd. Assume everyone’s playful and joking then you’ll laugh more. Disagree with something and make fun of it or riff with the stuff that you like. It’s just more fun.

Maybe one day we'll be rid of idiots and can say stupid shit without anyone thinking we're being serious, but that day has yet to come I'm afraid

Idk I’m reading more sides of it because it annoyed me. Considering polylingualists or nuerodivergents might not pick up on cues easily it makes sense, but it still feels like a big dumb wink that undercuts the humor and fun of it all.

I don't know, I consider myself quite fluent in English, and I'm neurotypical, I still thought you were either an edgy 12 year old or someone that actually meant it, until i saw your edit

If you write a stupid opinion as a joke, but write it the same way a person seriously holding that opinion would have written it, then there's not really any way to tell them apart, like it or not that's just how it is, so either people have to guess you're joking or guess you're serious, and people usually lean towards serious

Exactly my problem with Poe’s Law; it exists because even on NotTheOnion everyone’s on guard to either go toe to toe or march in line. Like Poes Law doesn’t exist, because people are less intelligent like you mentioned before (hopefully sarcastically but I’d hate for you to spell it out for me), but just how people tend to look for an argument instead of optimistic engagement until proven otherwise. We’re all here starting and contributing to conversations because most of us care about these growing communities.

Kinda feels like you’re calling me an edgy 12 yo btw. How old are you? Was that a compliment from a ten year old or belittling remark from a teenager?

The core idea of Poe's Law is that a parody of something extreme can be mistaken for the real thing, and if a real thing sounds extreme enough, it can be mistaken for a parody


What you wrote was a joke, but someone trying to be edgy could also write the same thing, or someone with a poorly thought out view of the world/justice could also write it, the issue is not with the readers but with the writer when the message is ambiguous, you cannot blame people for not knowing your intent, they aren't mind readers.

With that last part of your comment I get the impression you're not planning to discuss this civilly or seriously, so i think I'll stop this here. have a nice day

You read "extrajudicial is just extra justice" and didn't think it was a joke.

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