What App are you using?

ItsMyFirstDay@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 41 points –

Hi All, What app are you using to browse Lemmy from mobile and why? It's my first day


I'm using "Jerboa for Lemmy" on Android cause its the only option i've found lol

ps: it's my second day

Same, still has a lot of missing features though. The one thing that would be a major improvement is to be able to open links between communities and threads. It always interprets everything as an email address for some reason. !Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world

Give it time. Like one solid day and you will be an expert in no time. Jerboa is nice but it's only in alpha stage. use lemmy on the mobile browser and desktop. you gotta get used to it though first. Just like Reddit when you first started using it

I agree with this. I've been using Jerboa when needed (personally prefer it to the mobile browser), but if I have the option I'm just browsing using my laptop. I'm sure that there is going to be a point where mobile apps like Jerboa are more streamlined, which I look forward to. I've always been a mobile user first and foremost.

Jerboa works for kbin?

No, the person you're talking to is using Lemmy :P

Oh, I didn't realize. Confusing...

There should really be some identifier in kbin so I can tell if users are on the same platform or not...

Yeah, there isn't an obvious way to tell. I only know because their instance's address is lemmy.pt.

Although, annoyingly, Lemmy doesn't show that part if someone has a display name set. Not sure if kbin does though.

There should be an easier way to tell.

As far as I know, it doesnt. I tried 😅

I coudn't find a Kbin app for android either.

Also using Jerboa because it is seemingly the only app that's currently out there for android. I wish one of the 3rd party reddit app devs would bring their app over to lemmy.

It's going to take time because the APIs are different. Someone (I wish I had noted who) was working on an API shim so that they could be added more easily.

I found the web UI on mobile a bit clumsy for my big thumbs.

There's a couple early beta apps for iOS:

Mlem - https://testflight.apple.com/join/xQfmkJhc

Memmy - https://testflight.apple.com/join/6jaRU6rD

These are the two I’m trying! Need to use the web browser for most features, though.

I just installed Memmy a few minutes ago, and I quite enjoy it thus far!

Using Mlem. Really enjoying it so far, it doesn't seem to have that refresh bug that the web based version has.

It's hard to tell what's a bug in the app and what's a bug in the underlying Lemmy service these days.

Hooray for early days of software development! 😀

Which is exactly why I'm using the web interface for the time being. There's already bugs with this early build, I don't need to compound them with an additional application layer 😂

+1 for Mlem. It's buggy but still a better default experience than Reddit's official App.

I just use the mobile browser version with Firefox 🤷

Mlem and Memmy for iOS

Prefer Mlem’s overall look and feel plus it is a bit more well rounded currently (though obviously very early days). However I’ve been having issues with Mlem crashing very, very often so trying out Memmy currently which seems more stable.

Jeboa. It's not the prettiest but it works and I like it. I tried wefwef but it was not easy to block communities so I moved back to jeboa.

100%, there are quite a few nice apps out there and it'll only keep growing but I keep coming back to jerboa for it's functionally, I'm just waiting for "sync for lemmy" (former Reddit client)

But that's not to say the other apps are bad at all

Vyger.app is beautiful Connect for lemmy (Android) has a great keyword filter Liftoff (android) is very popular but I can't login with my instance with it for some reason Thunder for lemmy (android) is very nice and has a good balance of form and function and it's also open source and probably reminds me the most of a solid Reddit client

The main reason I keep coming back to jerboa is because it's very easy to post to any community from the main screen / feed whereas most other apps require you to navigate to the community you want to post to first (a small, but significant difference) and it's also just very reliable and easy to see what's going on at a glance

i'm on windows desktop. the web interface leaves much to be desired. i'd personally be happy with an app in the windows store

I'm using kbin via a Firefox PWA.

Same! While I am excited for 3rd party apps to come online for kbin users, the Firefox PWA experience has been surprisingly pleasant.

The /kbin website as a PWA on my phone. Lol

From another thread I discovered Hermit, an app I didn't know I needed. It will create "lite" apps from any site. I've been creating apps for all of my self hosted apps that are browser based but do not have dedicated mobile apps (whoogle, mealie, invidous, etc.)

I've got liftoff, jerboa and connect installed. I keep reaching for connect first as its beautifully laid out, puts content first and has just enough framing to separate threads or comments, is improving fast and most of my early pain points are sorted now

I'm using Jerboa for Lemmy and it's been really good beside a few hiccups.

Kbin, just in mobile browser.

Big same. Can't wait for a sick and sleek kbin app

If you don't already know, there are some decent settings built in to kbin. Nothing mind blowing but it did improve my experience. Infinite scroll and rounded edges helped make it look more sleek, imho. I also turned on mag icons. Look for the gear icon to access your settings, on mobile it's all the way at the bottom.

Is there any setting to put the add comment box above the comments as opposed to being below every other comment?

Haha not that I've found. I'd like that too.

I'm hoping they add that and also a tag when looking at the main feed that shows what instance it's from, like how reddit would have the subreddit listened on each post. Right now every text post just says that it is from kbin.social even if it's from lemmy or something.

Just started using Mlem. It’s still an early beta (so expect missing features and instability), but the interface is very intuitive. Clearly takes inspiration from Apollo so this Nugget approves!

Friendly+. Allows for custom social media logins to be saved as separate apps within an app and uses an internal browser to access the sites.