Smooth area on the bottom of the balls, what is it? how many people have it? to No Stupid – 37 points –

I've had this nagging question for a long time: There are those 2 little areas on the underside of my balls where my scrotum is incredibly smooth.

Where does it come from? How many other people also have those spots?


You just made a bunch of dudes touch their balls lol.

Probably the cycling thing tho.

hehe yes, it's for scientific purposes

the cycling thing does seem likely, but I'm hoping that some other people can confirm this

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The texture is missing because you didn't install counterstrike source.

I assume it's where your vagina fused together in the womb.

i am talking about those two sections highlighted in red on the sketch to the right

the area might be a little bit larger than what is highlighted, sorry

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Wait you guys don't shave your balls to keep them smooth as eggs at all times?

this is unrelated to shaving

the mentioned area is noticeably smoother compared to other hairless parts

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I think I found what you're talking about. If the scrotum was a clock they'd be at about 4 and 8 on the dial if you were facing it right? It is a very small area, like the size of a pencil eraser. 40+ years I never knew they were there.

As discoverer I believe OP gets naming rights.

Yeah I have that


Do you have any idea how you acquired that? Do you, like me, also cycle a lot?

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No I don't really cycle, especially not now because outside it's like -10°C, but I walk a lot

hm interesting

its quite cold as well where i live 😉

I don't have any smooth spots on my balls, but I wonder, do you wear tighter underwear that may consistently rub in those spots? I have places on the outside of both my thighs where my pockets have rubbed against them for decades and hair no longer grows. Same on my ankles from the short, tight socks I used to wear when I played sports. I assume the friction just destroyed the follicles.

Okay, here's another thought: I ride my bike a lot; could this cause those spots?

It's possible? I'm not a dermatologist or anything, it's just what I've observed on my own body, specifically from my pockets is the biggest one. If you ride very frequently, maybe next time pay attention to where you're body is making contact and causing friction. if it's right where your balls rest on the seat and they move back and forth constantly there, it's a good bet.

good idea! usually I don't give much thought to that region while cycling 😂

the skin under my watch is also incredibly smooth (and more transparent). prolonged pressure might be the cause.

Interesting point of view, but given that I typically wear comfortable clothing and boxer shorts, I don't think that's the case.

I wear loose underwear too, and I have always had the smooth spots.

I don't cycle much, but I walk and longboard a lot. I've always been fairly active, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Maybe it's just a genetic thing.

The backside of my balls is smooth and soft like you say. They've been that way for as long as I can remember. I do not cycle regularly.

oh, that's interesting... perhaps there's another activity that could be responsible for this?