First of all, fuck you... to ADHD – 927 points –

Got medicated and suddenly started finishing everything. Built a streaming server, hacked my phone and TV, built a toolbench, lost a bunch of weight, started refurbishing antiques, started fixing things in my house, ran out of stuff to fix and started fixing my sisters house, became a reliable master at my office, started designing furniture, making toys for friends kids, rebuilding old powertools to fill a shop with, all since September.

Go to a doctor or folks. I didn't have insurance and the appointment and meds cost like 200$

This is what I have been hoping for, but it hasn’t happened. Went to the doc, went to the specialist, got the diagnosis. Got some prescriptions, literally no impact. None.

I ran out of my 10mg adderall XR in November but haven’t felt super compelled to go back to my doc for a refill since the month or so I was taking it had literally no effect. Also tried intuniv to no effect. I dunno. Feel kinda let down by it. I was happy when I got the diagnosis because I thought I’d be on my way to medications that could help. Been almost a year since I started that journey and I’m still in the same place.

I’m happy for you, and very envious.

10mg XR is essentially like 3mg periodically throughout the day. A standard starting adult dose is 10mg.

I'd strongly suggest requesting IR instead of XR, to try it out. Might make a world of difference.

Don't give up hope!

If you don't mind me asking, which medication?

I did a course of adderall and it was effective for ADHD. But it also had me feeling like I had electricity for blood, and was the very figure of focus all shift. Then I lose all energy and the will to do anything for myself after clocking out. So effective, but only in a way that destroys my work-life balance.

So, yeah. An effective alternative would be nice.

Vyvanse. It felt like I was on molly for a week, then it became so subtle I didn't even notice when it took effect or wore off. It allowed me to learn how to be motivated, so now even if I forget a dose, I still get shit done.

I feel this too. I've started and stopped vyvanse quite a few times now, but overall it enhances my mood which in turn makes me actually stay motivated and do things I like doing.

Some of my unfinished projects are old enough now to start having their own unfinished projects

All of my unfinished projects are children of other unfinished projects.

Yes, but if I've barely touched my pile of hundreds of elaborate unfinished projects that probably means it is a good time to ask if everything's okay.

Ill have you know that I pick up like 2 or 3 of them every couple years and abandon them again two weeks later. Theyre not abandoned forever, just 99% of the time.

3 more...

Even if I tried to finish something, the goals change on each step that I take, so there's no way of finishing anyway.

What do you mean, I'm doing 5 projects at the same time. Ignore that they're completely different to the 5 last week.

Thank you for your condescension, Rachel. It helps so much.

Aktschually, ... if you have enough projects eventually you will come around to them and blow them up even more.