Trump’s $50 Million Mystery Debt Looks Like ‘Tax Evasion’ to – 395 points –
Trump’s $50 Million Mystery Debt Looks Like ‘Tax Evasion’

And he'll face exactly zero consequences I'm sure.

I can't wait for him to be warned again and again over this.

Don’t worry, he’ll be indicted and his trial will be delayed indefinitely.

The American way. If you can afford the lawyers (or make them think you can afford them) you can get away with pretty much anything! FREEDOM!

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Given that he's famously defrauded everyone he can possibly defraud, it is a certainty the IRS has been letting him get away with tax evasion for decades. I'm betting every tax return since 1980 is fraudulent from top to bottom. He's fully incapable of honesty.

The IRS has been purposely hamstrung so they do not have the resources to audit the wealthy.

Exactly! Which is why the GOP absolutely lost their shit when Biden pushed for more IRS funding. They started the FUD campaign of evil taxmen coming to take all your money. Like always, they’ve pretty much won that battle because they’re the only side willing to play dirty and in the US taxes == pure evil.

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I think we should have “PW;DR” for “Paywall; didn’t read”. Am I late to the party and this acronym already exists?

If it looks like tax evasion, talks like tax evasion and walks like tax evasion, it's most likely a republican.