The RNC will meet privately after Trump allies pull resolution to call him the 'presumptive nominee' to politics – 120 points –
The RNC will meet privately after Trump allies pull resolution to call him the 'presumptive nominee'

The Republican National Committee is meeting behind closed doors this week as some allies of Donald Trump had hoped to put the group’s stamp on the former president early in the 2024 GOP presidential nominating campaign.

But a proposed resolution to declare Trump the presumptive nominee has been removed from the agenda before the committee is scheduled to meet in Las Vegas this week, party officials said.

The reversal comes as the first two early-state contests have winnowed the Republican campaign down to two major candidates, with Trump as the heavy favorite and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley vowing to continue her uphill challenge.

What was expected to be an uneventful RNC winter meeting in Las Vegas this week briefly gained heightened attention last week after the resolution, introduced by Maryland Committeeman David Bossie, to name Trump the presumptive nominee became public.


They probably noticed that Trump only got 51% of the vote in Iowa and 54% in New Hampshire, Haley got 19% in Iowa and jumped to 43% in New Hampshire. And now Haley is his only opponent.
She's finally starting to actually shit talk him a little and it's boosting her popularity with the part of the party that doesn't like Trump but will never vote Democrat.
And Trump doesn't look like as much as a sure thing as he did before either. He's still way far ahead, but the fact that he's not pulling 90%+ of his parties votes probably made them realize it's too early to call the race with 48 States left to go.
I really hope she gets the nomination, because there's a 100% chance he runs as independen/write-in and splits the Republican vote.

Both states counted votes before the latest judgement against Trump ordering him to pay more than $80 million to a woman for lying about raping her. He will have another judgement coming related to his fraud in New York, which may break up his businesses there and levy further fines.

He might avoid paying some of them by declaring bankruptcy, but now he needs to campaign as the bankrupt candidate. Financially, morally, philosophically, and in just about every other way you could imagine.

This primary isn't over.

He will have another judgement coming related to his fraud in New York, which may break up his businesses there and levy further fines.

The fun part about this judgement is it could cost him everything the Trump Org owns regardless of whether or not it's in NY as the company has it's HQ there.
And as a tax cheat his business owns everything he has, including Mar-a-Lago.
If they dissolve and liquidate his company he'll be homeless.

He won't be homeless as long as he has a campaign to fund his travel and meals. Even if he loses this election, he will contest fhe outcome while simultaneously filing for Trump 2028 (which he wouldn't be eligible for if he wins 2024....)

The New York State trial for fraud is a civil trial. Civil judgments cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. Trump will have to pay all of it.

I really hope she gets the nomination, because there's a 100% chance he runs as independen/write-in and splits the Republican vote.

More likely he agrees to support her (or at least not run) in exchange for a full pardon.

Which of course only works for the federal cases, and assumes he's willing to admit guilt for them as is required to take a pardon. Then he'll still have a ton of State cases to deal with.

introduced by Maryland Committeeman David Bossie, to name Trump the presumptive nominee

David Bossie is an unbelievably putrid piece of shit who wrote the Clinton murder-conspiracy books, swift-boated Kerry, and was the Citizens United fucker who Anthony "my son gave Trump 250 million" Kennedy subsequently decided meant money equals speech.

Fucker. Shithead. A pox upon him.

Haley should run as an independent. I don't want her to win or anything but I do want her to take some of Trump's votes and cause him stress and anxiety and whatnot.

I'm in for the stress and anxiety, but really there are so many Republicans who say out loud thay they disapprove of Trump and won't vote for him. They might vote for Biden if there are no alternatives, or they might stay home and also not vote for downticket Republicans. Haley as an independent might hurt Democrats as much as it hurts Trump.

I also don't think Haley wants to separate from the party. I think shewants to be seen as the person who took the party back from Trump.

Isn't she basically all of Trump's reprehensible beliefs in a less offensive package? I can't believe she would take as many votes from Biden as she would from Trump!

Well that's exactly what I mean, she's a terrible person and kind of an idiot. But people are voting for her because she's not Trump, and that's Biden's campaign slogan.

The people voting for her now who would switch over the Trump wouldn't vote for her as a third party candidate. That's because, while they know Trump is a rapist grifter who attempted a fascist overthrow off the government, they want it to appear like they don't approve of that. Opposing Trump is performative morality that will wash away when it comes time to get a fascist elected.

The people who are voting for her now who would switch over to Biden absolutely would vote for her as a third party candidate. That's because they have drawn a line in the sand somewhere, and absolutely cannot vote for a [rapist|criminal|spray-tanner|drug addict|fraudster|man in the advanced stages of dementia|insurrectionist|terrorist] and would rather vote for anyone else. BUT that doesn't mean they want libruls to win and start in with women's rights or trans rights or immigrants' rights or any of that progressive bullshit that Biden hasn't promised anyway. They will cast a protest vote for a third party candidate to show everyone that they are still conservative shitbags, but they aren't MAGA. It's still performative morality, but they are just more committed to the role.

Biden is better off if the GOP is a divided shitshow right up until the election, and then Haley is forced to kneel down and kiss the ring. Her followers won't like it, and might just stay home.

If we are doomed to slide into Fascism in 2024, I hope it's her, because that means Trump will have to eat shit. That would be my silver lining.

She would take a lot of the Trump=toxic republican/leaning republican votes. They would either vote 3rd party, leave president blank, or hold their nose and vote Biden but would instead be voting for the republican candidate.

Those people are the reason for the "I'm not Trump" campaign from Biden. Why remind them that the Democrats wants to gasp help the poor

Campaigns can be persuasive. Biden and his surrogates could be out there making the case that helping the poor is the right thing to do. He could be educating people on the practical benefits of social safety nets, promoting ideologies based on empathy and economics.

But to do that, he would have to believe it. I don't think Biden wants to help the poor. He will be attacked for it, anyway, and that's part of what makes his a bad politician. He's going to be criticized from both sides and accomplish nothing.

I just wish Biden would run with her or Cheney instead of Harris. Best way to pause a war is to find a common enemy and this enemy is right there pestering us since way too long, why not take advantage of it

You want biden to run with the woman who would not admit slavery was the cause of the the civil war until it became a national issue? Someone who is either racist or pandering to racists? That's the person you want first in line to the presidency?

And Cheney voted with the Trump admin 94% of the time. Having basic integrity doesnt mean she would support any democratic policies as president.

Both would be terrible running mates, and equally terrible presidents.

No, she's terrible. But I don't want to sweat bullets again in November wondering if trump might win, and I want the end of the 2 parties. I don't see the republican pay dissolving into oblivion. What's your solution? The status quo?

Edit: and I'd take her over trump.

So you want to elevate someone terrible into the Whitehouse in the off chance that it might help prevent someone terrible from being in the Whitehouse?


Edit: it might actually shut up the far right and she seems more amenable to discussions.

Shut up the far right? By elevating someone they hate? The people that gin up grievances about red coffee cups and holiday greetings?

You can't shut up people whose whole purpose is to be mad and loud.