Republicans are ‘caving’ — Biden blames Trump as border deal falters to politics – 302 points –
Republicans are ‘caving’ — Biden blames Trump as border deal falters

The bipartisan border deal appears on the verge of combustion, and President Joe Biden on Tuesday placed the blame for that squarely on Donald Trump.

“All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically,” Biden said in remarks from the State Dining Room.

“He’d rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. So for the last 24 hours, he’s done nothing, I’m told, but reach out to Republicans in the House and the Senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote against this proposal,” the president said. “And looks like they’re caving.”


“So Republicans have to decide,” he [Biden] continued, “who do they serve? Donald Trump? Or the American people?”

I think the Republicans have long made up their mind.

Yeah, I get that he's trying to put them on the spot, but they've answered that question thousands of times and the answer has been "Trump" every single time.

The GOP isn't interested in anything short of absolute power. They need to be driven out of politics along with their wannabe dictator.

I fear that it'll be plural wanna-be dictators from now on. I feel like Trump admitting to it and having his whole base be ok with it only opens the door for that later on. Someone please say it ain't so, I'm actually a little worried about Americans.

Nah, we're fucked. Democrats CONSTANTLY do this, "oh they need to decide to be good!" thing about Republicans, and they're proven wrong EVERY time. They are complete brainless morons when it comes to fighting against people who have no interest in respecting rules.

Once again pleading with Congress to pass the bill, the president touted the deal’s strict border and immigration policies, including the emergency authority it would grant him to “shut down” the border when it becomes overwhelmed. He described it as the “toughest” and “fairest” law that has ever been proposed, and urged both parties to move beyond “toxic politics.”

So, a migrant family might have a perfect case for asylum, but if they happen to show up on a day when the border patrol has decided it's "overwhelmed," they get thrown out to the wolves anyway

How is that fair?

It's fairest to both sides: one side wants them to live, the other wants them to die. But if you send them to live with wolves, then it's up to the wolves to decide where their political leanings take them.

Life isn't fair, as evidenced by the fact that this hypothetical migrant family has reason to migrate in the first place. Your question presupposes that fairness is the default state of things and it simply isn't.

Worsening climate change is going to make this whole situation even more unfair going forward. The longer we wait to set up a better system the more inhumane the eventual solution is going to be and I don't think anyone wants to find out how much worse it can get.

Life isn’t fair

is a problem to be solved, not a goal to be achieved

Life isn't fair

And I'd like for lawmakers in both parties to stop trying to use my tax dollars to make it even less so

We all would. This border deal was a gift to Republicans. It contains no actual long-term reform that will improve the situations. It's a bad deal I'm happy enough to see fail, though it is very unfortunate that the Ukraine aid is getting trashed with it -- because the future where Russia is continued to allowed to conquer westward is a dark one indeed.

And they still rejected it. The GOP were offered a no-brainer gift and they turned it down. Because scoring political points mattered more to them than getting what they want.

For most on the left, this story is kind of a wash. No Israel or bad border policy, but also no Ukraine. But it is a great allegory for how broken conservative politics are. There's increasingly no point negotiating them because nothing will satisfy their hunger other than authoritarian rule.

Yeah, it's super frustrating that we can't get Ukraine the aide they need, because yes, screw Russia and every other country that thinks they can just conquer and plunder like it's the 19th century or earlier again

There's increasingly no point negotiating them because nothing will satisfy their hunger other than authoritarian rule

110% agreed, now somebody find a way to get this message across to the heartless bastards running the Democratic party right now who think it's ok to play chicken with migrants and asylum seekers to score some cheap political points

Good luck with that. Nothing in my experience of life makes me think 99% of politicians give two shits about what's fair.

Oh yeah, if people think there's a migrant crisis now, wait until places start running out of fresh water.

Exactly, and if we don't have a functional "fence", so to speak, at that point then we'll end up using guns to stem the tide. We might end up doing that anyway but the system we have now doesn't even work under current conditions, which are about as good as any of us are likely to see again in our lifetimes. There's no way it's sustainable if the number of people attempting to claim asylum continues to increase and that appears unavoidable.

That leaves us with the uncomfortable question of what do we actually do with these people? Republican solutions aren't particularly good, and their basis for having the discussion seems more racist than humanitarian, but at least you can say they're not afraid of talking about it. Democrats seem content to pretend it's not going to be an issue because there's brown people in the crowd at the border and saying anything that could be perceived as less than perfectly inclusive about them is not pc.

No, it supposes that fairness should be a goal. Saying "life isn't fair" is at best a cop out and at worst it's an endorsement of deliberately treating people unfairly.

I think there are many many people who would disagree with your assertion that fairness should be the goal. That's not to say they're correct but if you take that implicit assumption for granted then you have no hope of understanding their position and therefore little hope of addressing the problem in any meaningful sense.

I think there are many many people who would disagree with your assertion that fairness should be the goal.

For most of them, cruelty is the goal.

I don't really care to understand to positions of horrible people.

Trump needs the border as open as possible for his campaigning. It's his main talking point. A bipartisan bill would undermine his candidacy.

Republicans don't want solutions to this, they want power and to get it there must be talking points they can scare their voters with. Actually achieving their ostensible goals would hinder their real goals they need the power for.

Republican lawmakers are such pathetic cowards. Like, seriously, I bet he just had to say "hello" on the phone, and they all just caved like the gutter garbage they truly are.

Launch them so into space. Tell them they're going to Mars And Papa Elon says they can rule over it.

The recent remarks by President Joe Biden shed light on the ongoing political tensions surrounding immigration and border issues. By squarely placing the blame on former President Donald Trump, Biden highlights the political maneuvering that hampers bipartisan efforts towards finding solutions. This confrontation underscores the complex challenges leaders face in navigating a deeply polarized political landscape.
mdr bv le ChatGPT xD, sinon je suis la pour mon taff sorry ;) >