Trump wants to install new RNC leadership, including his daughter-in-law as co-chair to – 232 points –
Trump wants to install new RNC leadership, including his daughter-in-law as co-chair

Current RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says she has no plans to leave the committee until at least after South Carolina’s Feb. 24 primary election.

Still, Trump is calling for McDaniel to be replaced by Michael Whatley, the North Carolina GOP chairman. The new co-chair, Trump said, should be his daughter-in-law Lara Trump.


That's how a mob organization runs. Just FYI.

If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it," Graham tweeted in 2016

And now he falls in line like all the rest.

The party that stands for nothing and falls for anything.

Same fucking guy who in Obama's last year said "we Republicans are setting a precedent for not confirming new Justices in a president's last year of office." Then they bring in Barrett right before Trump exits.

Trump just learned how big the RNC budget is.

There is a lot of cash he's going to have to cough up from somewhere really soon.

Well, if he pulls this off somehow and drains their funds to pay his legal bills, that wouldn't be the worst outcome...

Holy shit. If that is a possible outcome, maybe the Dems should help make this happen. Eventually, Trump would appoint himself leader of the RNC and wreck it thoroughly!

This is amazing and they should definitely do it!
Trump has a knack for picking the most incompetent people for the most important jobs.
Mostly, because the "competence" he looks for in most jobs is how good they are at kissing his ass.

Now, I don't know if anyone else has noticed or not yet, but the closer someone is to Trump, the worse they will manage anything he puts them in control of.

Putting his daughter-in-law, someone at least as stupid as his kids as she was dumb enough to marry one of them, in charge of the RNC would be a gift to the Democrats!

If she gets the position here's what we can expect:

No one but Trump is getting any money, so no budget for Local, Senate, and House races.

Most of it will be sent straight into Trump's legal black hole to never be seen again.

A lot will go into Trump's personal bank account, as the party's money IS Trump's money.

She's crooked enough to be part of the family so she'll likely skim some off the top for herself.

She's likely not at all qualified for this position, so she's likely to pull even less money than the previous chair.

The widening of the funding gap between Trump and the rest of the party is likely to sow resentment against him with the Senate and House as their own campaign funding dries up.

It's obvious nepotism, but from this side of the aisle I can see no downside. Let her have the job.

Gets even better. One way or another, Trump is not going to last another decade. He's too old and eats McDonald's hamburgers regularly. The nature of cults of personality is that they disintegrate as soon as the personality at its center is gone. Getting his claws even deeper into the GOP would only help bring the whole GOP down with him.

"Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Gosh!" - Napoleon Dynamite.

So what was that about Biden using his position to get his family jobs?

You mean Trump has been doing it the whole time? Shocking...

They don't care. They like it when they can get away with hypocrisy. They're running dictator software on republic hardware, with a shitload of malware and bad browser extensions

Conservatives don't care about consistency, they only care about control. They present a consistent position but drop it the moment it's convenient. Think of "small government" as a good example.

Just change the name to the Trump party while they're at it. The turd loves putting his name on trash.

Looks like Gina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I expect acts like the character too...

Critical support to Trump's plan to destroy the RNC! He's already done an excellent job of it so far so I have faith he'll succeed.

I don't understand why the "Trump is a deep cover Democrat" rumors never went anywhere. That seems like the kind of thing conspiracy folks would be all over.

The only thing you don't do in a cult is question the leader. Any dissonance from the leader in a cult is swiftly dealt with by other members of the cult because of this rule. This is why you see interviews with former members of the MAGA cult talk about how once they started any questioning of their leader, they were quickly exiled.

Because Trump appeals to conspiracy theorists.

You also had the takeover of a lot of conspiracy sites with far right people feeding pro Trump theories.

The new two party system, the Democrats vs the Trump MAGA (TM for short, he invented the acronym. He has the best acronyms. One time there was an acronym crying, very strong acronym and he came to him and said "Mr president, can I please be your acronym?" , very sad story, Trump said yes and so we have the letter T.

Maybe the threat of being made obsolete will wake up some people in the GOP who had been blind and stupid followers of Trumpler until now.

It won't. Conservatives are extremely unintelligent.

They're downright anti-intellectuals. They've been raging against college educations for decades, talking about how college educated people are part of the elite and look down on the rural hard working people of America. They've actively cultivated an uneducated demographic to the point where factory workers will vote for the same guy that's gonna bust up their union and shut down the factory. This creates a cycle of poverty because manual labor is disappearing more and more. Even miners need an engineering degree nowadays. Companies that need highly skilled labor aren't going to establish themselves in bum fuck nowhere where there is no investment in education. This leads to unemployment, poverty, even less education etc etc. Yet people will keep voting for it. See the Kansas experiment and Kentucky.

All insurgency/resistance movements face the same problem: you don't know who to trust. Trusting the wrong person is your own death sentence. Therefore the majority just sit still doing their best to not rock the boat even though their boat is moving towards the Niagara fall...

I'm ok with this. Let them burn down the house.