Don't rule

Rozaŭ to – 323 points –

Fine, you got ten seconds to clean everything up after I SIGTERM before I SIGKILL

Think of the children!

Good thinking! We'll SIGKILL the whole process group! No descendants, no orphans.

And most importantly, no witnesses

Although the next time the process starts, it may find some mangled parts lying around with no recollection of what happened.

Don't need some zombie child coming back years from now on a revenge arc.

I should maybe alias that... Something along kill , sleep , kill -9

SIGTERM: Dear process. Please stop doing what you're doing now, tidy everything up and just stop after that.

SIGKILL: I'm not asking you anything, I'm not even talking to you anymore. I don't care you leave crap everywhere or lose data integrity. System, shoot this fucker!





I gave you time to flee

That reminds me, I just learned yesterday (from a crossword) that Natives In Tech has actually asked Apache Software to change their name last year.

I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, but seeing them here in the picture reminded of that.

The ASF has renamed their conferences from ApacheCon to Community over Code, so foundation leadership seems receptive to moving away from the Apache name.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the name is changed in the next couple of years.

The name was originally just a silly joke, since it was "a patchy web server" (as it was an open source web server abandoned by the original author, but kept going by a community sharing patches to fix bugs and add features).

init 0

Oh look at you, asking all nicely . I just pull out the power cord.

This a Linux joke? I'm interested, what's sigterm and sigkill?

Sigterm is telling someone to kill themselves. Sigkill is murder.

But, like, for programs.

Sigterm is a signal that tells a program to prepare to close down.

Sigkill just shoots it with a shotgun and murder its all family.