Couple says ‘I do’ inside men’s bathroom at gas station

Flying to Not The – 111 points –
Couple says ‘I do’ inside men’s bathroom at gas station

The best part is the part about the button, but I don't want to ruin it.


From the article, for those like me that didn’t actually want to open it:

Now, the HOP Shops do not have just any old ordinary bathroom. With the push of a button, it transforms into a disco-centric scene.

“They got a button in every HOP Shop. You push it, the disco lights come on and the music plays,” Tiana Abney explained.

You could at least use spoiler tags.

If anyone reads the comments before reading the aritcle and they feel spoiled, it's their own fault.

My app doesn't support spoiler tags. They're not universal in Lemmy yet.

But honestly, I wouldn't have known the details if they didn't comment it, lol

I would not have read the article if it were not for this comment.

Hey, if you're with the right person, it doesn't matter where you get married.

From the article:

“I always heard it don’t matter where you get married at. It’s just the person you’re with,” Logen Abney said.

HOP Shops. That's HOP Shops folks. Be sure to tell your friends about the thinly-veiled advert disguised as journalistic gash you read about HOP Shops ©®™

Why do people post shite like this?!? If it mentions the name of the shop 6 times before it's even halfway through, it's not an article, it's an advert

There seem to be only two locations, both of which are in a single state in the US.

Unless it's so great it'd become a destination wedding, I don't think this would be a great way to advertise...

Bro be tappin' that button, and right after they embrace and start moving together in rhythm.