Blue screen of rule to – 379 points –

Yes, I did actually get a BSOD from that, no it wasn’t my PC


Don't even get me started on their implementation of .7z files, it is so incredibly slow compared to the actual 7zip program

how big even was that file

Probably around 1gb, it was a few 3 minute videos for “talks about the important” which is mostly just Russian propaganda about how great the country is.

Um actuwally modern Windows is based off the Windows NT kernel that isn't 30 years old 🤓

Still from the early 2000s though so it's no excuse.

Edit: I am spreading misinformation online :3 I was thinking of its mainline Windows release.

Early 90s, NT 3.1 was released in 93. By release date, nearly 31 years old. First version that a significant number of people actually used was 4.0, 96, and the first consumers used was 2000. Development started in 89, as OS/2 3.0, then still a joint project with IBM.

For comparison, the first public Linux version dates to 91, 1.0 to 94, though Unix of course goes back to 69. Practically the only other thing still surviving from that era are IBM mainframes. In CS terms both are prehistorical, you can tell by how papers from back then aren't typeset in TeX, worse, are usually scans. Yet they somehow had it all pretty much already figured out and we're now often re-discovering insights that they simply didn't have the hardware to implement back then. Not impossible to implement back then but here's a fun one. And a modern walk-through through the thing.

NT 3.1 was released in 1993. But sure, the kernel has been reworked a lot since then.

And itself based on VMS, which was released in 1977.

Almost everything interesting about mass market operating systems was done in the 70s. Tons of academic work out there otherwise, but we'd have to rewrite everything to make good use of a lot of it.

L4 runs on billions of devices but it's mobile modems, car infotainment, and stuff. There's also been innovation generally in the mobile and restricted space, no desktop OS can manage application lifetimes quite as well as Android can: Because it needs to because you want both multitasking and fit everything into limited RAM.

The problem is really the "rewrite everything" part because to make current OSs much better you'd need to work on the interface between programs and OS, and not just piecemeal stuff like wayland. It was possible on mobile because everything was new, anyway, but on desktop? Truth be told our best bet at new standard APIs is wasm.

Good thing this never happens on other operating systems! If I had a dollar for every kernal panic I've seen...

If I had a dollar for every kernal panic I’ve seen…

you might be able to spell kernel panic

They are spelling it correctly, they are just using a commodore 64

I actually never recall seeing a kernel panic on fedora. Bugs that require a force restart to fix, which has the same effect as a kernel panic? Many times, but never an actual kernel panic.

One is made by a huge community and provided for free. The other is a proprietary blob sold in usability tiers.

For me, it was 3 or 4 times on my personal system.

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