Can we get, please, a way to open YouTube links in NewPipe? to – 53 points –

On a post with a YouTube link we can open in the default browser, or copy the link, then open NewPipe, search for the pasted link and then see the video.

Can we get a 'share the link' instead of the 'copy link' .

In any case, thank you for the great app, and thank you for all the effort and care you've put into this.


NewPipe app info > Set as default > Supported web addresses > toggle everything on

I think in addition to this I had to disable the official app's link handling.

So my Android phone has new pipe set as the default to hand all YT links in the settings, however the baked in yt app always takes over and I can't seem to stop this... I don't think it can be forced easily.

RIF was able to do this without a fuss. I don't see why it'd be any harder for a lemmy app.

Waiting for a LIF... RIP RIF my sweet prince

Jerboa does come close though... Can't complain.

What if you remove the YouTube app

Some manufacturers won't let you

Even if you can't uninstall it you can usually "disable" it with the same effect in settings somewhere (that's what I did on my phone, I'm using revanced now)

For me YouTube links get automatically opened with newPipe. Latest version of jerboa installed.

I think the share functionallity is missing. It could be used for what you want. I'm used to sending a video I come accross to macast and I can't get that in Jerboa at present.

You can share to newpipe from the default browser for the time being

This doesn't really answer your question, but revanced works fine. So if it bothers you too much you can always go that route.

Don't know if this solves your problem but you can go into the android settings app and make newpipe the default handler for YouTube links if it's not already.

If you've got the Google play services installed and the official YouTube app they pull some shit to force YouTube links to use the official player - or at least that has been my experience in recent versions of "official" versions of Android!