'Turn around immediately': Taiwan warns off Chinese coast guard boats again as tensions simmer

RandAlThor@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 215 points –

So is this how it starts? China pushes until Taiwan defends itself, the China blames Taiwan for aggression?

It's the kid on the bus who keeps shoving the quiet kid over and over and over, but it's not big and flashy so nobody notices. Nobody listens. Nobody cares.

Then the quiet kid punches the bully in his goddamn rat face and suddenly the quiet kid is the problem child.

The problem existed long before the quiet kid fought back, and they knew, it was just ignored by the people who could do something about it until it was too late.

This feels a lot like those headlines back in January about a novel coronavirus in China

I just looked into the history of Taiwan and China and it looks to me like the previous government of China lost a civil war and then retreated to Taiwan.

Really puts into perspective all the useful idiots saying "Taiwan is China." They're literally following the same logic as "the South will rise again."

Propaganda is real. Indoctrination is real. Tribalism is real. If you feel you're immune to them, then you're probably the most susceptible.

Please get mad at anyone who calls it out.

You're not wrong, you're just an asshole.

The Republic of China retreated to Taiwan in the Chinese civil war when the communist party took control, yes. No, nobody expects the CCP to fall and the ROC and Kuomintang to return to the mainland.

Also the KMT aren't really good guys anyway, they're a pretty nationalist right-wing party.

But I don't really see what that has to do with this story.

Dude what

What part don't you understand? I was pretty clear and concise.

If you have trouble understanding, maybe you should brush up on your reading comprehension.

Or are you just a tribalist who doesn't like when people acknowledge it? I know what I'd put my money on, lol.

It’s cute when someone learns a very small part of a very complicated subject and then thinks they actually understand it.

Do Israel Palestine next, or India china

What's India China? (Other than what I consider minor territory disputes at the border.)

India and China have a long standing but currently somewhat muted territorial thing.

It’s not full blown war, but only because they agreed not to use firearms so they just hit each other with sticks.

Edit: Israel to India

They do get into some wild border clashes without guns though, some of my favorite modern war videos. Bunch of dudes shoving and whacking each other with axe handles.

It’s fucking crazy to watch them and realize that the video is from the 2020’s

Extreme take on mutually assured destruction when neither side wants to give up. Removing all firearms entirely and then instead trying to harass each other's army away, lmao

So do Israel Palestine, or Azerbaijan and Armenia, Guyana and Venezuela, India and Pakistan.

Come on man, these are all subjects you can “look into” and then pretend you understand them while lording it over people and telling them that they should brush up on their reading comprehension.

Get on that train!

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All I know is metal engagements in the very top of the Himalayas

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You just totally get how to engage with other people don't you... insult their intelligence, and surely they'll come around to your viewpoint. Works everytime.

It reeks of "I never knew a thing about this until recently and now I have been reading tons of opinion forums and blog posts about it so I'm basically an expert now. Also I have a few new words in my vocabulary I need to whip out to show how smart I am."

There are so many details which are being thrown out here in order for you to lump those two quotes and events together like that and call them the same. I'm no genius at reading comprehension and even I can see that! I think you need to spend an additional 5 minutes reading about the two wars, and then some.

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Its not really like the US analogy. The confederates were completely beaten and surrendered. After the Chinese civil war, the CCP and Red/PLA didnt have the chops to cross the Strait to Formosa, so they just stopped, and Taiwan became its own country. Much like how North Korea and South Korea entered a stalemate and became seperate countries.

Both Taiwan and South Korea were born as dictatorships, and gradually transitioned to liberal democracy, whereas North Korea and PRC never got the memo.

I don't understand your comment and it seems that nobody did. If you mean that CCP are tribalists for claiming Taiwan as theirs, I agree with you. Sorry for the downvotes. As they say, you are a little confused but you got the spirit!!

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