3 children dubbed the 'Little Rascals' accused of robbing Houston bank

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 88 points –
FBI: 'Little rascals' trio, ages 11, 12 and 16, arrested for robbing a Houston bank

The juveniles, ages 11, 12 and 16, were caught on camera robbing a Wells Fargo bank March 14, the FBI said.

Three boys dubbed the "little rascals" for allegedly robbing a Texas bank were behind bars Thursday, the FBI said.

The juveniles, ages 11, 12 and 16, have each been charged with robbery by threat, a spokesperson for the Harris County Sheriff's Office in Houston said in an email.

"Because they are juveniles, their names, and no additional details will be released," the spokesperson said.


Wells Fargo getting a taste of their own medicine hah

I'm not seeing it. They generally steal from adults, not 11-year-olds.

Robbing anyone isn’t enough?

In terms of "a taste of their own medicine?" I would say no for the same reason I would say no if, for example, Tim Cook robbed a Wells Fargo. He isn't the one Wells Fargo is ripping off and neither are those kids.

Wells Fargo shouldn’t even be allowed to be in business after what they did. Fuck em. You’re focused on the kids and not that mass theft that was systematic

You seem to think I'm defending them, which is weird because I said twice that they steal.

Getting what you deserve and getting a taste of your own medicine are two different things.

With the name "Little Rascals," I have this picture in my mind of a judge wagging his finger and then saying "Oh... I just can't stay mad at you three. You can go."

Probably why their parents put them up to it,

The parents of two of the boys identified them after the FBI released the photo and called the agency

"Boys will be boys your honor. So they knocked over a bank. Its Wells Fargo, they got the money. Don't ruin their future by making them guilty of a felony..."

It's Wells Fargo, they got the money. Don't ruin their future

This, but unironically. Fuck Wells Fargo and fuck trying children in criminal courts.


I give two shits about Wells Fargo. So my issue is with your position of not trying children in criminal courts. What should societies do about children running amok and doing whatever they want? What do you think we should do to educate them about the repercussions of committing crimes?

Therapy and several different pedagogical approaches exist.

Imprisoning* children does not have a positive effect in the vast majority of cases.

To take them away from their peers, take away their freedom and abuse them does NOT teach them how to behave better.

It only compounds whatever trauma and bad decisions led them to act out in the first place, much more frequently leading to a negative spiral where they're deprived of any effective means of bettering themselves, then when they almost inevitably re-offend, they're punished by the same deprivation if not worse.

*juvenile detention being the likely outcome of any criminal proceedings here

This is Texas and it was stealing from the rich those kids are gonna die.

Probably not, but yeah, they'd do it if they could get away with it. Fucking Texas 😮‍💨

Firstly thanks for replying.

Therapy, works, when the individual wants to change. At this level of crime there is a slim chance of that desire.

Their peers are likely part of the reason they are committing these crimes. Too much freedom due to the environment that they were born into , by no choice of their own, also contributed. To be clear I don't even blame the parents most of the time. Even they can't out influence the friends group. The abuse, well it's no lie that the judicial system needs to be fixed at ALL levels, but where's the money in that?

Your method needs to happen way before they get to this point so that they have less of a chance to get here.

So between juvi and therapy there still isn't a resolution to fix them all. Or even fix a greater percentage of offending children.

These kids, not likey anything will fix one of them let alone all of them. Am I shity for giving up on correcting their learned behavior? Yeah most likely. Facing consequences for ones actions still seems to be the answer for me.

You are a better person than me.

I recall hearing a similar story about a bank robbery in rural Texas.

The guy got life.

Do banks in USA still have money? Banks here haven't had money for more than a decade now. And I can't remember when we last had a bank robbery in Denmark. ( Country of 6 mil. people )

PS: I looked up the stats:
We used to statistically have about one a week, until about 2012. Then it dropped to only about 5 per year, and now it's almost completely gone, probably only people who are mentally ill, and don't have a clue about anything in general, maybe people with dementia? Because they are AFAIK 100% sure to get nothing.

PPS: If you want to withdraw money, you use the ATM inside the bank, and it's practically illegal to withdraw or deposit more than the equivalent of $7000 USD, if you do, it will be investigated for possible money laundering.

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