Upscayl: Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler to Open – 163 points –

Upscayl: Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler



Works great for me, never had an issue. I use it for AI generated images regularly on my laptop and desktop.

Very cool piece of software. I played around with it a few weeks back with some scanned slides and it gave good results. Some of the models were better for general objects and background while other models were better for people.

The only issue was (and I admittedly didn’t spend any time to try and resolve it), that I couldn’t open the output photos outside of the app. I could see the result in the app, but opening the file directly gave an error.

That's odd, for me it automatically exports to the specified folder. Just used it the other day and I don't remember any issues. It works pretty well for something that's running locally

Yeah it exported for me into the folder and file format I specified. Tile was expectedly large and there was a thumbnail preview, but when I tried to open it, the two image viewers I tried gave the same error message. I’ll try it again at some point for sure though.

Works for me also, I think it's one of the best pieces of software to come out in a while.

It's only a nice frontend to use command line tools that use many upscale models. To make easy for everyone one to use.

This is working very well for me so far! Ty for sharing!

It's working for me. Thanks for sharing!

The results don't seem to be as good as "SuperImage" for now, but SuperImage is not privacy-friendly, and I'd rather support Upscayl :)

The official release uses conservative compilation options, and my attempt to use custom models failed because layer Reorg is not supported

It doesn't worl as advertised. I tried it a while ago. It's not worth the time.

Same here. I saw a video comparing a few tools, so I tried Upscayl. The result was awful and nothing like the comparison in the video.

It may have been something to do with that particular image, but either way, it didn't work for me.

Thx. It may work very well on anime. My tests weren't successful.

This is just straight-up wrong. I've been using it for years and it does exactly what it says it does, and does it pretty well.

I like the app too, but "for years" might be a tad exaggerated. It came out 1.5 years ago.

Fair. I used it when the project was still very new and was basing that statement off of my admittedly flawed perception of time.

Thankfully, due to quirks of language, we have to say "1.5 years", so it's not technically incorrect :p