How much longer do you think society has until the collapse and what will be the reason? to Ask – 49 points –

What society? All society? Western society? American society? Russian society? It's too broad a question, but-

The answer will always be greed over wealth and power imo. Greed drives basically all the evil in the world and pours down from top to bottom. We already see breakdowns in society when greed reaches levels that cause people to struggle to survive.

The response is almost always violent, until the balance of power is more equal. There are several nations around the world that are closer to collapse than people would like to believe.

6 years until a massive coffee crop failure plunges the world into chaos.

Probably a combination of climate cascade effects and another pandemic.

The massive captive factory chicken and pig populations are a ticking time bomb, but changes to ocean current and weather patterns have the possibility of being more like someone flicking s switch.

Lack of decent bread in the US. Coupled with some good cheese.

Seriously on the bread: why is it so expensive, and why doesn't it fit in my toaster? I used to only buy the cheapest store-brand "bread" but it is so misshapen and falls apart before it even gets out of the bar, not to mention the lack of any taste.

Any recommendations for a good white bread? (White bread being the best kind for grilled cheese; my predominant factor in choosing bread.)

10-20 years, climate change will cause massive drought which will cripple the food supply.

Doesn't have to be a complete or even large collapse of society, but it'll definitely hit way way harder than what covid did. Mass starvation in every developing country, food hoarding, some governments pretending to care, some profiteering on limited supplies, the usual.

A lot of the current economic and geopolitical problems are actually solvable even in a final stance scenario. But no one can literally form clouds to replace lost irrigation or reverse climate change in less than a year. Desalination, even on max funding, would not be nearly enough to replace the water that comes from rainfall, especially huge river systems like the Indus, Nile, etc.

Water conflict

All these people think they know, as if predictions about the future have ever been more accurate than random chance.

It depends on the society. European culture has forever to go for example, while the main Asian and American cultures probably have about three more centuries. I'm going by history when I make those predictions.

But I mean that's a good thing. Every culture gets replaced by a new culture at some point. We had the roman culture, the greek culture, ancient egypt, the inkas, babylonians.... They all went away. Currently we have our current culture. I'm glad it replaced the middle ages at some point. And I'm sure we're also not the pinnacle of cultures... Something else will follow, if humankind continues to exist.

Less time than anyone thinks, but more time than what some people want. ;)

  • ~10 years. It will arrive sooner than people think. We are already in...

  • climate. ...the unpredictable zone of the climate change. The situation is worse than people are thinking.

On a less catastrophic note, millennials could be the last generation to die of natural death. The 2024 newborns will probably die of the consequences of climate change.

It will be another series of plagued like covid. Each new one will learn to mutate faster and faster until we can no longer keep up with vaccines to stop it. Time frame is probably a could hundred years.

Oh shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Reason? Since when have we needed a reason?

Could happen multiple ways. Unpopular opinion on Lemmy who like to bury their head in the sand.

Western civilation is going to die from immigration. Places like the UK the largest cities are less than 50% white British. It's worse the younger down the age groups you get.

There is also the issue of population growth. I'm not sure our best and brightest are having the most kids anywhere in the world really yet world population increases.

The trajectory we are on is that we are doomed or maybe a country like China will make some difficult decisions that western countries won't and that will benefit them long term.

Best case scenario is AI gets to the point it can save us from ourselves. Which is the scariest thing of all.

Within the next 100 years maybe 200. The west will continue to weaken from multiple directions. The third world will continue to increase population and overuse their resources and miss manage the economy. Global warming will throw petrol onto the fire and mass immigration will happen. Some big war is also going to kick off and that will be the collapse of society (but I don't think so severe a new one can't be built). That will be the end of the West being the greatest place to live.

What an astounding gathering of terrible takes.

Seeing as this is a loose and free question on society I feel like I have hit some pretty key points that are already happening. Which of these isn't true?

Immigration changing society

Genetics and multigenerational values.

China doing things no other country will e.g. one child policy.

Global warming and destruction of the environment.


AI having the possibility of being great or terrible.

Societies having limited lifespans. If anything this is the most likely to be inaccurate because societies can collapse a lot quicker

Race and society aren’t the same thing, a society doesn’t collapse just because the makeup of races shifts one way or the other. The best and brightest procreating thing (eugenics light) is also not new at all.

You’re not 100% wrong in all aspects of your answer or anything but your weird vaguely racists takes don’t make sense and seem a bit shitty

If immigrants come over and have different views then society becomes different.

I've lived in places with high immigrant populations and the city is entirely different. You can't expect people to come over from an entirely different culture, who don't integrate and then expect everything to be the same.

Also I didn't pretend to have any new genius idea. I wasn't really talking about eugenics I was talking about collapse.

Yeah different does not equal collapsed

One can fall and another can rise at the same time.


How is Western civilization going to die from immigration? Just because it changes colour doesn't mean it's getting "destroyed ", lmao

If the values that make up that society change then yes, that's absolutely the end of one and the beginning of another.

Values are always changing. Immigration isn't why we accept people of other races as equals. It's not why we accept homosexual relationships. It's not why we accept the rights of transgendered people.

Immigration has nothing to do with any of that, and none of that means that society is collapsing, lol

China made the difficult decision to do one child per family, which was a decision a western society would never make. It turned out horribly for China. Turns out there's a reason western cultures don't make "the hard decisions" like that.

Time will tell.

India and places like that could have benefitted from a one child policy.

But that's not my point. My point was most countries avoid the difficult choices.

India and places like that could have benefitted from a one child policy.

Those "benefits" come at the cost of a whole lot of dead baby girls though. Does that sound like a good trade to you?

Hitler died like the pussy he was.


A+ comment. Thanks for the contribution.

At least he performed one single heroic act in those final moments: he killed Adolf Hitler.

Exactly. I know a bona fide Neo Nazi. He said he wanted to visit The Eagle's Nest. I said I wanted to visit the bunker where Hitler killed Hitler. He didn't like that

I hope he's able to make the trip and the experience inspires him to follow in his idol's goose-steps. Just that last bit though, make it a speedrun.

North America was a beautiful place. Then the white man showed up. Been downhill ever since. So, yeah, immigration is a problem. Care to fix it?

I think that's a perfect example of a society falling due to immigration. Thanks for helping my point.